“Honestly, Veggie-Chan, do they feed you here at all?”


“I told you, mom, this isn’t the Holiday Inn. What were you expecting?”


“I thought this place was going to at least tone down your rudeness. I guess I was wrong.”


“Sorry, mom. I was sent here for some stupid crime after all.”


“Vegeta! How could you…”

”Now, now, honey. We came here to give Vegeta some good news, didn’t we?”


“You sit there and listen to him talk to me like that….”


Vegeta tuned out his parents as his eyes wandered around the bustling room. The large hall had been set up to look like a restaurant. Tables and chairs had been placed in the room, enabling the visitors and recruits to sit and chat their hearts out. Some recruits were even allowed to walk around the grounds with their visitors, provided they didn’t try anything funny. Guards and some officers were placed at various positions in the hall, monitoring the progress of each visit. There was a one-hour limit for each visitation and after, that the visitors would be escorted out of the room. Vegeta was amused to see some of the boys burst out in tears as their families walked away. Mothers wailed and fathers patted backs. Girlfriends hugged and some even went as far as making out in the room, regardless of who saw or watched them. Vegeta had noticed several officers pry off clinging girlfriends. Some ended up in struggles, others went out with anger.


“Wow! Who is the hottie?” Vivian said suddenly, breaking into his thoughts.


Vegeta swirled around and looked towards the direction his sister was ogling at. His breath caught painfully in his throat and he felt his heart rate speed up as he watched the hottie in question smile at an old lady and gently escort her towards her waiting grandson.


Kakkarrot looked amazing. Since all the officers were required to wear their full dress- uniforms, the tall boy looked striking in his. Broad shoulders were highlighted in the smart-looking green jacket and the delicately creased pants did little to hide the power in the muscled thighs. His mind rushed back to the kiss they had shared earlier in the day and he felt himself blush furiously as he remembered the way Kakkarrot had tasted and felt.


~ So warm, so sweet, so…. ~


“Hello!!! Earth to Vegeta!!” Vivian called out mockingly, waving her hands in front of his glazed eyes.


Shaking his head rapidly, he turned back to his parents, to see that they were all now staring at him as if he were crazy.


~ I probably am…. falling in love with my senior officer... ~


He jerked up suddenly as the thought flashed through his mind again.


~  Nani?! I am in love with…Kuso! I like him, that’s all. Man! You really are losing it, Vegeta. ~

“Is everything all right, Veggie-Chan?” his mother asked, worry etched all over her face.


“Ooohh…I think Vegeta is in looooooove!” Vivian cried out, shiny black eyes dancing with glee and giggling hysterically at the shocked look that flashed on her brother’s face.


“I am not!!” Vegeta hissed angrily, as his mother and father blinked in confusion for a moment.


“In love with who, son?” Vegeta’s father asked in bemusement.


“Nobody! Vivian doesn’t know what she is talking about!” He snapped, glaring daggers at his sister.


“Whatever you say, Veggie-Chan. I don’t blame you, though. I would fall for him, too, in a heartbeat.” She giggled, putting up a dreamy eyed display.


“Shut up! I am not in love with Kakkarrot!” He shouted in desperation, immediately slapping a hand over his mouth as he realized what he had said.


“Vegeta!” His mother cried out again.


“Kakkarrot?” His father said slowly.


“Oooh…Kakkarrot. I like that. Such a masculine name…” Vivian sniggered, enjoying the splash of crimson all over Vegeta’s face. She loved teasing her big brother, especially when it came to his personal relationships. Only she knew her brother’s secret sexual preferences with members of his own sex and she milked the secret for all it was worth, making sure she used it to her own advantage.


Vegeta snorted and turned away again, only to stare right back at the object of their current discussion. Kakkarrot was back at his position beside the large double doors, ushering in more visitors. Vegeta felt his heart literally stop, as Kakkarrot raised his head and stared straight at him. Clenching his hands into tight fists, he stared back hoping that his newfound feelings for the taller boy weren’t plastered all over his face. He was stunned, however, at the cold look that Kakkarrot flashed at him. It looked like he was upset.


~ At what? What did I do? ~


 All afternoon he had smiled and acted jovially with his friends, what would he suddenly be mad at him for? Was he upset about the kiss after all? Was he…regretting it? Vegeta felt his heart sink. He knew that Kakkarrot did not completely like him yet; but, still he would have thought that the kiss would have meant…


“….one more month.”


“Huh?” Vegeta said, snapping out of his daydream and staring blankly at his parents.


“What your mother was saying, son, was that the lawyer has appealed with the judge and it seems like your sentence has been reduced.”


“So instead of being here for two more months, you will be coming home three weeks from now.” His mother said, beaming happily.


Vegeta gaped at his parents in shock and surprise. He was going back home in just three weeks! Finally he could get out of this place and go back to his regular life without early morning wake-ups, stupid jogs and marches, and most especially that bastard, Flint.


~ What about Kakkarrot? ~


What about him? Vegeta would bet that if Kakkarrot heard the news, he would be thrilled to death. He winced inwardly at that thought. There was no doubt he would miss the taller boy, but since his feelings weren’t reciprocated, he felt it was a wasted effort.


“The least you can say is ‘thank you’, or something.”


“Sorry, mom. I am thrilled at the news. I cannot wait to leave this place.”


“That’s wonderful to hear.”


Vegeta sensed his approach, his nose already picking up the now familiar heady scent of the taller boy and he tensed visibly, willing his pounding heart to slow down.


“Mr. Vegeta, Mrs. Vegeta. Your visitation limit is over. If I may escort you to the doors….” Kakkarrot’s deep voice, rumbled from behind Vegeta.


“All right.” Mrs. Vegeta said, already beginning to dab her eyes with her handkerchief. “You make sure you call us, okay, sweetie? Enjoy the cake I brought for you and take care of yourself.”


“Yeah, mom.” Vegeta muttered out in embarrassment. God! Couldn’t she tone down the drama?


“See you soon, son.”


“Sure, dad.” He replied, shaking hands with his father.


“I got you something.” Vivian said, smiling mischievously. She handed him a wrapped package that looked like a collection of CDs. “I thought you might miss some of your music, so I brought them for you.”


“Wow! Thanks, V. That’s really thoughtful of you.” Vegeta said, amazed at the gesture. Vivian rarely did anything nice for him, at least without a favor attached to it.


“Oh, you know me. The ever thoughtful lil sis.” Vivian crowed, before turning to the amused-looking Kakkarrot. “You are such a cutie, you are.” And to the surprise of everyone there, she leaned up and gave the startled boy a full-blown kiss on his lips.


“Vivian!” came the simultaneous cries from Vegeta and his mother.


“Oh, sorry, Veggie-Chan. I didn’t mean to steal your boyfriend.” Vivian teased, before dancing out of the room, ignoring the angry sputter from her brother.


Vegeta watched as his parents tried to apologize to a dazed Kakkarrot. Nodding in understanding, Kakkarrot reassured the flustered couple and then began leading them out the doors, never once giving Vegeta a glance.


He watched the group leave, clutching the CDs and cake to himself. He would see if Kakkarrot wanted to share the sweet treat.


 ~ That’s if he is even speaking to me. ~


If not, it was going straight to the garbage.




Vegeta walked down the barely filled hallway. Many of the senior officers were still at the main hall and so the quarters were practically empty. Vegeta smiled quietly at the peace and quiet. It was a rare thing. And he fully intended to savor the moment.


Entering his room, his eyes automatically flew to Kakkarrot’s bed. He had made the rumpled up sheets, after Kakkarrot had left the room in an apparent hurry, letting his hands flow through the still-warm material.


~ He wanted me. I know it. If only Flint hadn’t shown up, we would probably have…~


Feeling his cheeks flare up again and the slow heat at the pit of his stomach, he hurriedly set the cake on the table and unwrapped his package. Hopefully, he would get a chance to listen to some of his music before his roommate showed up.


Vegeta felt his face drain of color as he scanned the titles before his eyes.


~ What the hell is this?! These aren’t my CDS!! I DO NOT LISTEN TO ENYA FOR CRISSAKES!! ~


Sure enough, Vivian had stacked CDs filled with new age or easy listening music. None of his usual rock or hip-hop music was here. Cursing under his breath at being deceived, he picked up the note she had left in there.


“Hope you enjoy your music. I thought it might soothe your tortured soul.

Lots of Love,



“Damn you to hell, Vivian.” He growled in anger. Resigning himself to having to put up with the music, he slipped ‘A Day Without Rain’ into Kakkarrot’s CD player, hoping that no one else walked into the room and noticed the sappy sounds.




“Man! I am beat!” Gohan said, yawning as he watched the last visitor walk away.


“You said it. Who’s up for dinner?” Trunks said, already heading towards the dining halls.


“Count me out. I am going straight to sleep.” Kakkarrot replied, trying to stifle his own yawn.


“Okay, then. I guess we will be seeing you tomorrow.” Gohan said. And taking Trunks’s hand, they headed off towards the beckoning lights of the dining rooms.


Kakkarrot stretched aching muscles as he began his journey back to his quarters. The day had gone much longer than he had anticipated. He had received over ten marriage proposals, several different phone numbers, more than twenty different kinds of kisses, ranging from pecks on the cheeks, to full frenches. He smiled softly as he remembered the kiss he had received from Vegeta’s sister. They looked so much alike, except for her hair, which was done in the current braiding style or something, but she was beautiful.


~ Just like her brother. ~


Sighing, he rubbed his neck, feeling the tense muscles there. He needed to take a long shower and then hopefully sleep like a log. Tomorrow was another busy day for him. Oh, shit! He had nearly forgotten the whole rumor thing. Standing stock-still for several minutes, he frowned in annoyance. He had to find a way to put a stop to the growing story. The last thing he wanted to happen was to have the whole thing blow out of proportion and effectively ruin his stay here. Shrugging, he decided he would take it one step at a time. He was not about to let Vegeta ruin everything he had worked so hard to achieve. And setting his jaw with determination, he changed directions and began heading towards the administrative offices.




Vegeta stepped under the hot sprays of the shower and closed his eyes wearily. He couldn’t believe he was this jumpy and nervous all of a sudden. Something about the way Kakkarrot had looked at him this afternoon made him feel queasy and very, very uneasy. He tried to remember what else he could have possibly done to annoy the other boy.


~ Apart from you know what…~


It was just a lousy kiss, no big deal, right? Kuso! Vegeta knew it was a whole lot more than that. The past few weeks had been hell having to go through. It was bad enough that Kakkarrot had been avoiding him, but having to sleep through the night in the same room, wanting more than just to hold him, was doing a number on Vegeta’s nerves and emotions. His dreams had been filled constantly with wanton images of the taller boy and he would always feel himself get embarrassed or horribly aroused whenever Kakkarrot just took off his shirt, exposing those muscled shoulders, whenever he began changing or something.


~ I am acting like a stupid lovesick puppy. No wonder he can’t stand me. ~


Gritting his teeth in frustration, he scrubbed himself even harder. He was determined to live his remaining days here at the Home to the fullest, making a memo to himself to make sure Flint learned a lesson and that he would sway the heart of his stoic roommate, no matter what the consequences were.


Extra Disclaimer: I do not own Enya or her wonderful CD ‘A Day Without Rain.’