He was running. Running through nowhere it seemed. Dark. Too dark. Suddenly the darkness faded into a small room without windows and a single door. He saw a botchan crouched in the corner. Walking up to the crying boy, who had hid his face against the wall, he turned him around slowly. He tried to scream and found out he could not. His own face staring back at him accusingly.


"YOU LEFT ME!" it suddenly screamed, lunging up to grab the now terrified man's neck. The botchan's face was now contorted in a mask of rage as the man slowly felt the life seep out of him . ~ I am going to die. Please, someone help me!!~ Suddenly the door burst open and a golden light shone through it. Kami! It was blinding.


A figure dashed into the room and with a gruff command of "USAGI, ONI!!" [Be quiet or be still, demon!], the man watched in amazement as the death grip on his neck relaxed. A frightful shriek emanated from the demon and then it vanished completely, leaving the man in a boneless heap on the floor. He slowly tried to raise his head to look at his rescuer, but instead felt warm hands across his forehead. A strange feeling of peace and tranquility rushed through his shivering body as he let the pleasant emotions run through. Feeling his eyes close wearily, he mumbled a quiet, "Thank you." Warm lips brushed against his forehead as the voice replied back gently. "I know." And with a flash, the light was gone.




Vegeta woke up with a start, clutching satin bed sheets up to his neck. He was drenched in sweat and was beginning to shake pretty badly. ~ What the hell was that?~


Frowning, he swung his legs off the bed and paced around his room in agitation. This was not the first time he had had those nightmares, but this was the first time it had not gone all the way. The same thing usually happened, the botchan would end up squeezing the life out of him and he would usually end up sick or too exhausted the next morning. Right now, he felt extremely relaxed. ~The Golden Man. ~ he mused silently. Where had he come from? Had he willed him here? Kami! It had felt so real. He rubbed his forehead wearily, remembering with a heated face, the light kiss the man had left on his head. ~Why does he seem so familiar to me? And that voice...where have I heard it before? ~ Vegeta knew all about angels and the afterlife and had never really believed in such rubbish, but right now he would just about believe anything. He had never felt this relaxed in a long, long time and it felt great. Opening his French doors that led to his patio, he leaned on the railings and sucked in some fresh air. Clad only in his silk pajamas bottoms, he let the cool night air brush against his heated skin.


He suddenly froze as he realized that he was being watched. He swung his head around quickly to scan the gardens below him. Sucking in a deep breath, he watched as Goku seemed to slip in and out of the bushes and flower hedges effortlessly. He was headed towards the lake. Not even wanting to think about why the hell he was doing it, Vegeta dashed back into his room and slipping on his pajamas top, he raced down the stairs to find out what Goku was up to.




Goku slipped off his clothes quietly but quickly, wanting so badly to cool his hot flesh. The expulsion of the oni had been especially trying this time and it had really taken a lot out of him. He looked over at the moonlight filled lake and closing his eyes, he floated gently into the cool depths. Sighing in relief, he floated onto his back and looked up at the bright beauty of the moon.


Vegeta's dreams had kept him restless the past week. He had felt powerless at the time, looking for any opening that Vegeta might have had to enable him to get into his mind. Each time he had come close, Vegeta had shut it completely, leaving him frustrated and helpless. ~ Stubborn man. ~ he mused, smiling softly. Vegeta could be extremely difficult when he set his mind to it and Goku had had plenty of experiences with that. The last month had flown by in a hurry, as he had studied the man he had slowly begun to admire. He was a man who did not take no for an answer. Ruthless when it came to his business dealings and a suave player when it came to his girlfriends. Goku snorted. He had seen the way Vegeta handled the many women who kept calling his home and the nights he had brought them home. Some of them he slept with (Goku couldn't keep his face from flushing at the images that flashed through his mind) and others he just toyed with. He knew that Vegeta had no real designs on them and if there was anyone he really felt comfortable with, it was with the blonde one by the name of Launch.


Goku had spoken to Launch several times already and was puzzled at what Vegeta saw in her. She was fun sometimes, but at other times she was a first class snob. ~ She will not be good to Trunks. ~ he thought. He felt his heart ache painfully at the thought of eventually leaving the boy he had grown to love. ~ Just three more months and it would be all over. ~  Shaking himself of the depressing thought, he dove under the lake and jumped back out like a dolphin, grinning with pleasure at the great way that felt. After several laps, he jumped out and headed towards his dumped clothes, never once noticing the obsidian eyes that followed his every move.




Vegeta walked silently and quickly through the gardens, not wanting to make himself seen or heard. He crept through the gates that led to the lake and dashed behind one of the many trees that lined up the banks. ~Kuso! I am acting like a goddamn thief in my own home! This is my lake! I shouldn't have to be creeping around! ~ But, he still found himself sneaking quietly amongst the trees, until he got to where Goku had dumped his clothes. Vegeta found himself clutching the tree in a death grip and having to bite his lips to stop the small whimper that threatened to come out as he watched Goku jump out of the lake. ~ Kami! He isn't real! He cannot be! No one is allowed to look that beautiful! ~ he thought wildly.


The past month had been a lesson in self-control as he began to take notice of the enigmatic sensei. Goku had finally taken his advice and had gone on a shopping spree with Aoki in tow. The results, needless to say, had been amazing. Clothes fit the man like he was born to wear them. They now emphasized the man's strength and power as he seemed to walk around in a new wave of self-confidence. He still hadn't gotten rid of the glasses and that still annoyed Vegeta to no end. The only time he had really had a chance to see Goku without them had been when Trunks had accidentally knocked them off his face at the dinner table one night. Vegeta had caught a brief glance of shiny, velvet, dark eyes that seemed to sparkle with mystery and warmth. He had brought up the idea of contact lenses, but Goku had looked back dumbly and had refused, saying he preferred the damnable eyewear.


Growling in frustration, Vegeta watched as Goku jumped out of the water and began putting on his clothes. ~ Shimatta! What is he trying to do? Kill me? This is my lake and he had no permission to swim naked in it! ~ Even as he thought that, he couldn't keep his eyes off the show of rippling muscles and the taut buttocks as Goku bent to pick up his shirt, not to mention a very well endowed member. Shaking his head and summoning up his anger, to cover up his thudding heart, he stepped out of the shadows and in a cold voice said,


"Just what the hell do you think you are doing, Goku?"




Goku must have jumped a full three feet into the air as the voice came behind him. Swiveling around quickly and nearly giving himself  whiplash, he turned around to face a scowling Vegeta. ~ Kuso! Why couldn't I sense him?  You are beginning to let your guard down, Kakarrotto! ~ he reprimanded himself sharply. Clutching the shirt nervously to his bare chest, he tried to think up some plausible excuse.


"Well? What do you think you are doing?" Vegeta asked in icy tones.


"G...GG...Gomen n...nn...assai, Vegeta-sama." Goku stuttered in embarrassment. ~ I wonder how long he has been here? ~ Feeling his cheeks redden at the thought that he had been caught in the buff. "I just thought I would come out here for a swim. It was a very hot night and...."


"And your bathroom shower doesn’t work?" Vegeta asked dryly.


Goku shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, refusing to meet Vegeta's gaze and wishing desperately he hadn't left his glasses back in his room. Hopefully, Vegeta wouldn't notice. Or would.


"I find it amusing, Goku-san, that you insist on wearing that ugly piece of eyewear at all times and yet you were able to make it all the way to the lake without killing yourself. A bit strange, don't you think?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.


Goku wanted the earth to suddenly open up and swallow him whole. ~ Do something to him! Cast a spell or something! ~ his mind screamed desperately. Closing his eyes, he sucked in a deep breath and then slowly raised them to meet the icy obsidian depths.


Their eyes locked and Vegeta could not tear his away. Goku's suddenly smoldering gaze held him effortlessly, mercilessly, sending his pulse-rate wild. "Vegeta." Goku muttered thickly, and reached out to run the fingertips of his right hand down his cheek. Vegeta could not move, his eyes widening as Goku leaned down, closing the distance between their mouths.


Vegeta squeezed his eyes shut, as though by closing them he could almost pretend this wasn't happening to him. He couldn't possibly be going to stand here and let Goku do this. It was unthinkable. A small moan escaped his mouth as Goku's lips brushed his. When he lifted his mouth away, another moan followed, a strangely pained protest. The thought that Goku might leave it at such an appallingly brief kiss brought a rush of dismay so intense that he leaned up and pressed his lips back against Goku's. Goku groaned. Immediately his hand, which had been hovering lightly against Vegeta's face, slid up around his throat to firmly cup the nape of his neck, holding his mouth captive. His other hand snaked around his waist, settling in the small of Vegeta's back and pulling him hard against his body. Vegeta gasped as he was pinned to Goku, their bodies touching everywhere, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach, thigh-to-thigh.


It felt incredible. Goku felt incredible. His body, his heat, his mouth moving restlessly above his. He'd never experienced anything like it, had never known a kiss could evoke such a wave of excitement and longing. Vegeta wanted more, more of the kiss, more of Goku. His mouth flowered open with a tortured little moan this time, and Goku needed no further invitation. His tongue darted forward, then dipped deep. Goku's lips brought a reckless, raging rapture and Vegeta could not get enough of its driving hunger. When Goku went to withdraw, Vegeta's hands clutched at his shoulders and he claimed his lips back, sending his own tongue into Goku's mouth with a desperation that would later stun him. Goku suddenly wrenched his mouth away and wrapped Vegeta to him hard. "Kami, Vegeta! I want you, " he said thickly. "Onegai tell me you want me, too." he insisted, while his lips hovered over Vegeta's.


Vegeta felt the hazy fog of desire slowly lift, as Goku's words began to sink in. Raising hooded eyes to the man in front of him, reality began to set in quickly. ~ Oh, no! What...What have I done?~ He stared at Goku's flushed face and nearly lost it. Pushing himself out of the taller man's arms, he staggered backwards in growing horror and disbelief, losing his footing in the process and landing with a painful thud on the cold earth. ~How can he want me? Shimatta! He is a man and I shouldn't have responded in that way! What the hell is happening to me?~  Angrily, he swiped away the hand that Goku had extended to help him up, noticing with slight satisfaction at the pained look that crossed the handsome face. Standing up quickly, he turned away from Goku and tried to gather his scattered wits about him.


"Vegeta..." Goku began meekly.


"That will be enough, Goku-san. Forgive me if I do not find your interest in me in that way amusing." Vegeta replied back curtly. " I hope this incident will not repeat itself again or you will be looking for a job someplace else."


And without looking back, Vegeta stormed back into the house.




Goku couldn't believe it. ~ How could I have let that happen?~  He had not moved from his spot on the bank, as he sat cross legged in his meditation position. The early sounds of dawn were beginning to make themselves heard as the early sunrays cast beautiful shadows on the surrounding hills. All Goku had intended to do was to kiss Vegeta's forehead, so that he could put a light spell on him. Somehow, it had escalated from trying to kiss his forehead, to practically begging the man what? Want him? Need him? him? Goku's eyes jerked open at that. ~ Impossible! No! My duty was to come here and get rid of the oni that was in his life and I have fulfilled my mission.~ So why then was he still here? He could have argued that he still had to finish his six month teaching program, but he knew that it was a miserable lie. He could have left at any time he chose to, but yet he couldn't bring himself to do so. He had begun to love the boy as if he were his own and as for the boy's father....


Sighing, Goku stood up and picked up his discarded shirt, putting it on with a frown on his face. He enjoyed the kiss that much was certain. But how could he have done that? All his life he had been taught that such feelings were to be expressed only between members of the opposite sex. He thought of the feelings that he had experienced just kissing the smaller man. The heat between them had been unbelievable. His groin had burned with a fire he didn't even realize existed and it had hurt when Vegeta had pulled away. Goku knew all about sexual intercourse and all that, but he was literally a virgin. Living his whole life in the shrine, he had never really had a chance to actually date or anything, so quite frankly all this was new to him.


Oh Vegeta-sama had said, he did not intend for such a thing to happen anymore. Turning towards the morning sun, he decided that a quick kata routine couldn't hurt before the day began, and so bursting into his kin-iro form, he began training.