Pairing: 1x2x1
Warnings: Sadistic overtones, violence, self-gratification and possible NCS.
The blows are not as painful now, or perhaps, it’s just my flesh now too numb to really feel much these days. I can only crouch into a protective ball on the cold, hard earth, listening to their harsh breathing and their words of derision as they work out their frustrations on me.
“Fucking fag!”
“You queer!”
“Asshole! He likes taking it in the ass, so there ya go!”
Ouch. That hurt plenty. And I don’t just mean the particularly hard kick that was just delivered to my rather exposed rear. Yes, I liked taking it in the ass, so what? It wasn’t as if I hadn’t heard them fantasizing about it in the locker rooms after gym. I am sure that many of them would have loved to have the opportunity to stick their fat cocks in the very ass they are abusing now. Let’s see how they would feel then.
“Hey, let’s strip and make him walk back naked to the dorms.”
“Yeah! Let’s!”
Fuck no. I’m not going to let them get away with this. And where the hell is he? He usually makes his grand appearance at this time, but to my dismay there is still no sign of his authoritative presence.
This isn’t good.
The kiss of cold evening air against my skin has me shivering and wrapping my arms tightly around my body. I grit my teeth and try to glare at them through swollen lids. My face feels puffed up like a freaking soccer ball and I have no doubt it’s going to look like hell when I finally face a mirror. Grr…why hasn’t he shown his face yet?! Is he going to let them actually humiliate me to this point? Does he get some sort of sick perverted pleasure from watching me bleed this much?
“Hey, get up fuckface! Take a walk!”
I am dragged to my feet, the dark brown pants of my uniform tugged down to expose my shamefully hard cock to their gaze. It kisses my torso and I groan in dismay as they begin to point and laugh again.
“Shit! He’s got a boner!”
“Sick little fuck!”
I am kicked again and almost sent sprawling to the ground as I try hard to steady myself against the oddly comforting bricks that make up our school wall. Everything seems glazed to me as I stagger weakly. My stomach aches from the punches dealt upon it. My lips were cracked with the force of their blows, my thighs flaring with pain at the way they had tried to pull me away earlier. Needless to say, today has been the worst of it.
And still he hasn’t shown up.
I hated him at this point. Or at least tried to convince myself of that.
“Hey! The dorm’s that way! Where the hell do ya think you’re going?!”
I ignore them and continue to stagger towards his direction. I know he’s there, standing and
watching until he gets his fill of my suffering. Damn, sadistic bastard that he is. I hate him!
“Hey, ya fairy!”
One of them makes an attempt to reach for me and instead ends up tugging my braid. I cry out in pain, the agony of having my hair pulled so roughly sends me falling to my knees. My world goes white for a moment and I feel like I am actually going to die this time around. He’s actually going to let me die…
And then the beautiful…oh so beautiful sounds of my rescuers fill my ears. I sit up and lean against the wall, watching through my blurred and glazed vision as my attackers are cornered by The Boys. Three unassuming seniors who barely give me a glance as they go about their business of…well…taking care of business. I close my eyes as my attackers’ pleas and whimpers for help are drowned out by the sounds of objects hitting flesh. Fists perhaps, although I do not care at this point. I am too numb and hurt to do much but wait for the inevitable.
Although, I did find it odd that he would send these guys out today…
“Are you alright?”
I open my eyes as wide as they could possibly go as they focused upon the pristine black loafers before me. Well tailored brown pants upon long, strong legs, lead to a tapered waist, a firm chest and slender but yet strong shoulders…
I cannot go beyond that. To see his face is to see my weakness and he knows it only too well.
He holds out his hand to me - those long, slender and well-manicured hands that look as if they had never been stained with another’s blood before. I turn my face away stubbornly and he laughs softly. It’s a rich, deep and almost throaty sound that causes my already hardened cock to twitch in appreciation and excitement.
And naturally, he notices it.
“You’re really amazing, Duo,” he says to me as I continue to stare at anything but his face. “How
you can manage to have an erection in such a state is beyond me.”
Yeah, like you aren’t sporting one now, you sick freak.
An unwilling moan escapes my lips as I feel the tip of his shoe brush against my leaking flesh. I shiver and try to scoot away as if afraid he’ll bite me. I try to clamp my thighs together, but he nudges them aside easily enough. In a swift move, he stoops to his hunches and cradles my chin roughly within a strong hand. I am finally forced to meet those piercing blue eyes and I can feel my defenses crashing down in a pathetic heap around me.
He caresses my lip and whispers thickly. “You’re bleeding pretty badly…”
“You could have come earlier,” I croak out in what I had hoped to be an angry tone. Unfortunately, it had ended up coming out as a harsh whisper.
“I’m sorry. I got called off by a teacher.”
Liar. “Yeah, well…they almost got me today…”
He leans closer to me, his breath hot and feathery against my feverish skin. He moves closer and nudges my aching cock with his knee. He smirks at my wince of pleasure and pain as he darts out a tongue to slowly trace a path over the wounds on my face. I can only close my eyes and allow him to administer his brand of healing to me.
I know what comes next and I am going to be powerless to stop it anyway.
“Come with me,” he cajoles in that sinful voice that drips with blatant sexual desire. He wants me now and he’ll get me just as it was destined to be.
“What do you want us to do now, Heero?” One of the Boys asks. I can barely make out the speaker’s features as I am too busy whimpering and trying hard not to come right there and then as he has now begun to stroke my cock slowly.
He seems to think over his options carefully as his thumb caresses my slit already slick with cum and practically coating his fingers. Oh, god, this is so embarrassing but I am hot, so very hot. I feel like I am bound to explode at any minute and it’s going to be all his fault.
“Hmmm….how about we toss them right next to the dump like they’re supposed to be? The cleaners should pick them up tomorrow morning…”
I can’t help it. I cry out in pleasure as he gives my cock a hard squeeze, which sends me over the edge and right into his palms…and nice new shoes. He stops squeezing me and makes a low disgusted sound in his throat.
Great. Now what?
He tips my chin again and stares into my glazed depths with a snicker. “You stained my shoes, Duo. I can’t show myself to the headmaster looking like this…”
“Heero,” another of the Boys says with faint urgency. “They want you in the office now. Officers meeting.”
I give an inward and grateful sigh of relief as I am spared the humiliation of having to lick his shoes or something worse. I listen to him curse softly before he rises to his feet with a curt nod.
“Take him to my quarters and clean him up for me,” he instructs with a light frown as he gets out a handkerchief from his pockets to wipe up my cum from his loafers. He gives me another look that sends my innards melting with heat and I flush darkly.
He laughs and adjusts the badge on his shirt that says ‘Head Boy’, before making his way towards his world of authority and power.
How I became his chosen one is a mystery to me and may never be solved, but for now, I will continue to do his bidding, if I hope to survive another day in this hellhole.
For it is only my hate and his pleasure that has kept me alive until this day…
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Gundam Wing Fiction