Notes: Goodness, I never thought I’d be able to get another chapter of this story written and I truly am humbled and appreciative of all the sporkings and emails requesting for it to be continued. Thanks again, you guys! And I sincerely hope you enjoy this long-awaited part. ^^


Chapter Eight:


Duo eventually gave up his hot pursuit of the teens for two reasons. One, he still wasn’t used to Heero’s body and two; the damn kids had been way too fast for him. He cursed his current physical state, knowing he could no longer teleport as much as he would have liked. It would have made things so much easier and yet he knew that he couldn’t afford to abuse Heero’s body. The thought of using that much power just to catch a few brats wasn’t really worth it.


/You let them get away. / Heero observed dryly, trying not to smirk as Duo leaned against a lamp post to catch his breath.


/Shut up. Like I could have caught them anyway. I can’t teleport anymore or you can bet I would have caught the little rascals. /


/Excuses, excuses…Hey! Look out! /


“What?!” Duo barely had the time to get out of the way of the speeding motorcycle, whose driver turned around to show him the finger.


“Watch where you’re going, punk!”


Duo growled and took a threatening step forward to give the guy a piece of his mind, only to leap back again as a car went flying by this time. His eyes widened at the sight before him, realizing now that he had walked all the way to a busy intersection. The flow and ebb of traffic was tremendous to him and through Heero’s eyes, Duo could only watch in genuine fascination at the marvels of modern technology. Of course he had always watched the automobiles from the safety of the House and had wished on more than one occasion that he could play around with it to figure out its complex machineries. Unfortunately, no car had ever driven up that far and Duo had never gotten his chance to do so.


“Incredible,” he mumbled to himself as he stood rooted to the spot on the sidewalk. “How do they move, Heero? What drives them? What sorts of engines have been created to pull off such a thing? I would really love to take a look at…”


/This is not the time, Duo. / Heero chided impatiently, although he hated to admit that Duo’s almost childish naiveté was rather endearing to see. /The Professor is waiting for me…/


/You promised that I would have my chance to explore today, Heero and besides, this Professor friend of yours will not know that it’s me, will he? /


/I doubt that. J’s pretty observant and might notice a few mannerisms…/


/Food! / Duo interrupted with a gasp as he spied the diner with its bright neon lights - Moe’s Burgers - across the street. The sharp smell of frying steak, onions and fries assailed his senses, causing him to lick his lips in appreciation. /We shall stop and eat something from your world, Heero. /


/Duo, I really don’t think…and watch out for the goddamn traffic lights! /


Horns blared and car tires screeched as they watched the young man run across the street as if being chased by the hounds of Hell. Heero winced at all the insults that were flung their way and seemed to shrink even further into the recesses of Duo’s mind. At this rate, Duo was going to get them arrested and he definitely didn’t need that tonight. But he was hungry and the smell of good food and drink was very appetizing.


He watched as Duo pushed open the doors and the approving looks he received from the diners.


/They’re watching me. / Heero thought with faint amusement. /And yet not me…/


He idly wondered if Duo was doing anything to change the expressions on his visage. Heero knew for a fact that he didn’t usually garner this much attention and it was a bit surprising to see that two waitresses were clearly eyeing him with interest. No girl had ever looked at him for more than five seconds before. Just what was Duo doing?


He’s got a natural charm and that shows, Heero Yuy. You could learn a thing or two from this kid.


Duo, for his part, was staring at everything and everyone with childlike curiosity. He had watched the progression of electricity from the safety of the House all these years, but actually seeing how bright they were was awe-inspiring. The neon signs which flashed in reds, blues and greens were rather hypnotizing for a moment or two. He walked towards the large red jukebox at the corner of the restaurant, curious eyes darting over the shiny chrome buttons and little neat rows with the names of classic oldies written upon it.


/Hmm…what is this thing, Heero? /


/It’s called a jukebox. You put a coin into that slot you see on the right and you get to select whatever song you want to hear. /


/Fascinating. A box that plays music by paying it! Is there someone behind it perhaps that accepts the money? /


Heero struggled not to convey his amusement He wasn’t sure Duo would appreciate him laughing at his innocent questions. /No…not really. But someone does come to pick up the money at the end of the day by opening the jukebox. /


Duo was already rummaging through his pockets now. /Do you have a coin, Heero? I would very much like to listen to some music from this jookbox. Oh no! You do not seem to have any form of payment on you, Heero. /


Heero realized it as well but it was all too late. These weren’t his real clothes after all. Those boys had taken them away earlier which meant that they even had his wallet. Shit! He would have to find those kids tomorrow and make them return his things. He didn’t mind if they took the money just as long as they left all his other forms of identification intact.


“Can I get you anything, sir?” came the soft sing-song voice. They spun around to stare at the red-haired girl who was dressed in a rather short, tight pink and white uniform. She was chewing on gum and smacking it rather loudly which made Duo wince at how noisy and unladylike it was. According to the badge on her dress, her name was Maria. She held a small notepad while tapping a pen restlessly upon it.


/Let’s just go home, Duo. / Heero said wearily. He was really beginning to long for his bed and to just sleep away the nightmare that was today. /We don’t have any money…/


/We will. / Duo replied enigmatically and Heero could feel his gaze drifting towards a couple of men, who looked like truck drivers, sitting in a booth and eating their way through huge plates of burgers and fries. Heero frowned in confusion wondering just what could have Duo so interested in them.


“I will have your special,” Duo announced with a grin as he pointed towards the chalkboard on a wall. The words ‘Steak and eggs with Fries on the side for 3.99’ was written in lime green chalk along with the Soup of the Day. Maria was already scribbling and Heero could feel his heart sink in growing worry.


“Anything else?” she asked.


“Hmm, what about the Soup? What kind of soup is that?”




Heero gagged but Duo spoke with much enthusiasm. “Mmm…sounds tasty. I’ll have that too. A jug of iced tea and some vanilla ice cream on the side as well. Thank you very much, Maria.”


She laughed softly and wrote them all down. “Shoot, you must be hungry, hon. I’ll get them for you, right away.”


As she walked away, Duo eyed her rear shamelessly, causing Heero to groan in dismay.


/The women of this time have definitely changed…/


/And just how do you plan to pay for this, Duo? I don’t have any money remember?! /


He received no reply as Duo made them sit in an empty booth, his inquisitive gaze already drifting towards the rotating menu on the table. He lifted up the salt and pepper shakers, eyed the bottle of steak sauce, opened it and stuck a finger into it to have a taste. He rolled his eyes and savored it.


“Hmm…not that bad…”


Heero was beginning to get a bit agitated. He could feel a few stares coming their way and it made him feel very uncomfortable.


/Duo! You don’t go sticking your hand into a bottle of steak sauce in public…/


“Oh! Moving pictures!”


Heero mentally slapped a hand over his face at Duo’s exuberant cry. The other diners stared at the wide-eyed man in confusion, some trying not to snicker at the look of utter fascination on the young man’s visage. About three televisions, stationed around the counter, had been turned on and there was a football game currently being shown.


Duo rose from chair and moved towards the screen, his hand outstretched slowly – almost shyly as if afraid that it would bite him if he moved too fast. He felt the cool screen, ignoring the looks he was still receiving from the other customers.


“Incredible,” he muttered thickly. “People…within a box…moving. How…how is it possible?”


/I’ll explain it all to you later, Duo. Can we just sit down, please? You’re embarrassing me. /


But Duo, ever curious, was already trying to move the television around to see what was behind it. However, a burly man dressed in a white apron and hat – obviously the cook - tapped the servant’s hand gently with a spatula. “Watch it, kid!” he growled. “Ya break it, ya pay for it, got it?”


“I just wanted to see how this works,” Duo protested with a frown. “If you can tell me how you get these people inside the box…”


“Something wrong with ya, kid?” the cook asked, trying hard not to join the others who were now laughing in amusement. “There ain’t no people in tha box! Where ya from? Uurope?


/Duo! Sit the fuck down and just…I’ll explain it all to you later! I promise! /


The laughter – mocking laughter – filled Duo’s ears as he felt his cheeks burn with humiliation. When was the last time he had heard such derisive laughter? Many years ago and yet, it was still etched in his memory as if it had happened yesterday. He could still remember the way his master Joshua had felt. Every time his inventions or discoveries were shown to his family members or to his peers at school, he would be ridiculed – made fun of – made to feel as if his efforts had all been in vain.


In the safety of his laboratory, Duo had spent many nights watching his master cry to himself or begin to question his path in life.


Why? Why do I bother with all of this, Duo? Why I can’t be as ‘normal’ as they want me to be?


Because you are a scientist, master. There’s nothing wrong with what you do.


So why do they hate me? Why do they all laugh at me? All I want them to see is the benefits and joys of science…of discovery. There’s so much to explore out there and yet…


Do not cry, master. I believe in you. I always will. I don’t care what anyone else says.


Duo…my dear Duo…you’re always too good to me…


Heero sucked in a harsh breath at the lurid images that filled his mind. Perhaps Duo had not meant for him to see this but he had anyway. It was definitely clear that the relationship between the young man and his servant was…had been…




Heero groaned and tried to block it out. He couldn’t stop the coil of jealous that seeped into his subconscious – a part of him wishing he could just punish Duo for making him see all of that. It was no wonder Duo was so possessive over Joshua Dunhill’s work. He was the only one who had been with the young scientist during the good times and the bad. He had known Joshua inside out – literally – and for that reason, Duo would continue to keep the secrets to himself for as long as he was allowed to exist. Heero knew it was going to take a lot of convincing on his part to get Duo to part with the important documents. It was clear that Duo had still not let go of the bitterness and hatred he felt for the people who had killed his master and it was becoming evident again now. Heero could feel a pounding and almost blinding headache as Duo’s temper rose with each breath of his lungs.


/Duo…/ He winced, hoping that Duo would remember not to do anything rash. 


/Damn humans…damn them all! / Duo growled in response, his eyes narrowing into slits of irritation.


He knew his power wasn’t as strong in Heero’s body but he could at least do some damage to this place. If they didn’t stop laughing at him, he was going to have to kill someone as a lesson.


/Don’t! / Heero warned tightly. /Don’t do it, Duo. Just ignore them and let’s get out of here…/


“Your food’s ready, hon,” Maria interrupted with amusement in her voice as she placed the steaming platters of food on the table. “You better eat it while it’s hot now.”


/Just one little lesson, Heero. I promise not to hurt them too much. /


/Eat, damn it! Or better yet, let’s just go. You’ve got to take care of my damn body, Duo! And besides, you still haven’t told me how you plan to pay for this stuff. /


Duo closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to contain his swirling emotions. Dealing with Heero’s persistence and the snickers from the humans around him was becoming a bit too much. Deciding to obey Heero for now – knowing he was right about taking care of his borrowed body - he opened his eyes, smiled warmly at Maria and politely thanked her for the meal. He sat down in his booth and eyed the plate of juicy steak, a mound of fries and two fried eggs warily, no longer feeling as hungry as he had felt when he came in earlier.


He sighed. /I will feed you, Heero. You are obviously hungry. /


/Your mental state is affecting me, Duo. I’m not feeling hungry either. /


And it was true. The original intent of this body takeover was to allow Duo to do as he pleased as long as Heero’s mind wasn’t affected. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be working too well. Heero was beginning to feel all the emotions Duo was going through and as much as he tried not to accept it, he was powerless to block out most of it.


/I am trying the best I can, Heero. / Duo protested as he began to cut his steak a bit angrily. /You should try not to poke your head into other people’s business. /


He stuck a forkful of the meat into his mouth and immediately closed his eyes as the sensation of food seemed to melt on his tongue. Through Heero he could finally have access to a luxury that’s been denied to them over the years. It wasn’t as if they got hungry at the House, but just the idea of eating human food again was simply amazing.


 /Goodness…a real meal…I’ve not had this in centuries! The taste! Oh, god! Incredible! /


Personally, Heero thought it was too greasy and he usually wouldn’t have wanted to eat something this heavy, but he did have to agree that the food was delicious. Duo’s enjoyment was palpable and Heero had to blush a little as just about every part of him responded with approval at the food. He never knew that one could get an erection just from eating.


 /Just don’t eat too fast, Duo. / He stammered weakly. / I don’t want you giving me a heart burn. /


Not surprisingly, he was ignored and had to fight back a wince at how fast Duo seemed to be gobbling everything in front of him like a man starved for…well…centuries. He did his best to shrink back into Duo’s subconscious again, trying to keep his promise of not butting in anymore. Let Duo have his fun for now, he reasoned with a small smile. And if things got a bit sticky, he’d show up again to rescue the newcomer.






Quatre hummed softly to himself as he walked down the dark hallway. He held the wicker lamp before him as a formality and nothing more. He was used to the darkness after all and really didn’t need the artificial light. However, it was no surprise that the House was a lot quieter without Duo and he reluctantly had to accept the fact that he missed the loud-mouthed young man. But, the blond knew that there was someone else who was having a much harder time of it and he knew all too well where to find him.


He stood before the narrow door and then leaned closer to listen. For a moment, he could hear nothing at all but then the soft sniffling noises filled the silence causing a small smile to come to the Head Servant’s lips. Without knocking or giving the boy inside any warning, Quatre pushed the doors open and walked in; making sure the door was closed behind him firmly.


This room had once been considered Master Alfred’s study. Although it was empty – now filled with nothing but shadows, dust and the musty smell of age – Quatre could still see the rows of books on the high shelves, the grand display of rifles and shot guns that had once hung against the left wall or the grand tapestries that the Elder Dunhill had imported from some Asian countries during his travels. Quatre had spent many days in this room with his disagreeable master – listening to his angry tirades about the state of the war or receiving a firm scolding if he had messed up on a task or two. He eyed the corner where a flat table had once stood and winced at the memory of being thrown across it, his breeches pulled down and about ten lashes delivered to his sensitive buttocks. Of course dealing with Master Alfred’s insatiable sexual appetite had also been a part of his job requirement unbeknownst to any other member of the household at the time. It was a dirty little secret he had been forced to carry to his grave.


“So this is where you are,” he said with a warm smile, placing the lamp gently on the floor, as he noticed Wufei crouched against the wall perhaps hoping he could blend into the shadows and remain there. The Chinese servant was in his childlike form with his knees raised to his chest and a rather sullen expression on his visage. It was clear that he had been crying, but he must have done his best to stop them as soon as he heard Quatre’s footsteps. He turned his face away, ignoring the blond completely as if he hadn’t spoken, but had to stiffen as he felt the gentle hand upon his head.


“There, there now,” came the soft cajoling voice. “You’re just upset that Duo’s no longer here with you, right?”


When Wufei remained stubbornly silent, Quatre sighed softly and sat on the floor beside him. He wrapped an arm around the boy’s waist and forced him to lay his head upon his lap. Wufei resisted for a moment, but finally gave in to the gentle pressure and the promise of comfort.


“It’s only going to be for one day,” Quatre was saying as he continued to brush the smooth black locks gently. “And then Duo will return to you with tales of the Great Outside, hmm?”


“I’m afraid,” Wufei finally muttered, clutching the blond’s shirt with small hands. “I’m afraid that he won’t want to come back.”


“Don’t be ridiculous,” Quatre said firmly. “Duo knows that he cannot stay outside any longer than necessary. He will not survive.”


“But what if he ends up liking the human? What then? What will happen to me?”


“Duo won’t do that to you,” Quatre replied with a reassuring smile. “He loves you so very much; Wufei and he will not forget you that easily.”


“I sensed the attraction,” Wufei protested as he pushed himself away and allowed himself to grow back to his normal form. He shook his head gently, dark eyes filled with concern and yet irritation. How could he explain to Quatre about the tension he had felt between Duo and Heero? How could he convey the feeling of helplessness, burning jealousy and dull rage at Duo’s ‘betrayal?’ He had always thought that he and the long-haired boy would never leave the House no matter what happened and yet when Heero had showed up, Duo had been so willing to forget their promise.


“I could sense the attraction, Quatre,” he continued tightly. “Duo must be tired of being with me all this time and will want to be with others…”


“Enough!” came the sharp reprimand from the blond. “Duo and Heero are one and the same now. There is no way they can pleasure themselves unless they return to the House, remember? How you talk!”


With a soft growl of impatience, he sank his fingers into the dark locks and tugged the surprised teen closer to seize his lips in a bruising but demanding kiss. Wufei’s eyes widened in shock for this was the first time that Quatre had ever dared to touch him this intimately. Of course it would have something to do with Duo no longer being around, but there was no way he could explain why his body was responding to this with alarming eagerness.


/No…I can’t…can’t do this to Duo…/


/And why not? / Quatre smirked as his tongue thrust roughly into the parted lips to duel with Wufei’s. /Duo’s no longer here. Let me please you. I want to make you feel better…/


/No! /


Wufei pushed himself away with an effort and staggered to his feet. He wiped a trembling hand across his mouth, feeling it now soft and swollen from the pressure of Quatre’s fervent kiss. He knew that blond had a unique power over all of them, but he would be damned before he let Quatre have his way.


“What’s the matter, Wufei?” Quatre teased, his smirk becoming more feral with determination. “Do you honestly think that Duo’s thinking of you right now?”


“Shut up…”


“He’s in the world of the humans now,” the blond continued relentlessly as he rose to his feet to walk towards the other boy who was now backing away slowly. “Perhaps like you said, Duo will get tired of you…”


“Shut up!”


“…and he will find pleasure in the arms of another man, if not Heero’s. Just think, Wufei,” he breathed huskily as he trapped the dark-haired boy against the wall. “Just think of how Duo will feel having real human hands touching him…kissing him…loving him. It would be like the first time for him all over again, wouldn’t it?”


His hand sought and found the growing bulge within Wufei’s breeches and squeezed gently, causing the dark-haired boy to groan with undeniable pleasure. He tried to resist the temptation but was powerless to stop himself from being pushed back to the cold floor by the demanding blond. He gasped and arched into Quatre’s touches, barely noticing that his breeches were being pushed down slowly to reveal his swollen organ to the blond’s hungry gaze.


/No…please no…don’t do this to me, Quatre. I’m begging you! /


/Shssh, not another word now, Wufei. Why deny yourself the pleasure of being with me while Duo’s out there with someone else, hmm? /


A rather graphic image of Duo locked in an intimate embrace with another had Wufei sucking in a harsh breath and arching helplessly into Quatre’s relentless and yet torturous strokes of his hardening cock. He tried to block away the mental pictures that the blond fed him but to no avail. The wanton expressions and promiscuous positions that Duo performed was more than he could take. His entire being burned with a lust that needed to be satisfied now.


/Duo…forgive me…but…I long for this…/


Wufei failed to see the glint of victory in the fair man’s eyes as with a low whimper of resignation, he wrapped his arms around his new lover’s neck and gave in to the delicious temptation.






Trowa leaned against the door and closed his eyes in sheer agony.




Quatre was toying with him again. He slid to the floor and listened to the sounds of lust and passion in the room behind him, knowing full well that he could do nothing but suffer this humiliation for yet another day.





Duo downed the drink quickly and then gave a rather loud belch of satisfaction. “Mmmmm, nothing like a good cup of mead…”


/Beer. / Heero interrupted wearily. He was really beginning to feel tired. Today had been a rather exciting one for him. Way too exciting.


“Whatever it is…” Duo agreed with a nod before blinking as a piece of paper was slammed in front of him. He lifted his gaze to meet Maria’s smiling visage. “Is this what I owe you in payment, Maria?”


“That’s right, hon,” the girl replied with a grin. “But if you go out with me sometime, I could knock off the price for you.”


Duo blinked slowly, trying to process her offer, but Heero was already shaking his head in denial.


/No, Duo! Don’t! I am not going on a date with her! /


/She is requesting an evening with me, Heero? That’s interesting…/


/No, it’s not! I wouldn’t know what to do with her, goddamn it! You can’t just leave me with her and…/


/All right, all right, Heero. I will not ask her to meet me afterwards. Although, I do wonder if you have a woman of your own…/


/None of your goddamn business. /


Duo smirked and then smiled at the red-head in appreciation. “I will give your offer a consideration, dear Maria but for now, I think I’ll be able to handle my pay.”


She winked and blew a bubble with her gum. “Your loss, handsome.”


They watched her walk away again and then Duo picked up the small piece of paper. “We have to pay a total of 10.75.”


/And just how the hell are we going to pay for it again, Duo? /


The servant grinned and eyed the two truck drivers who were still talking in their booth. Heero noticed with growing trepidation that one of them had been eyeing them all this time and before he could warn Duo, the servant had gotten off his seat and was already making his way towards them.


/Duo…Duo what the hell are you planning to do?!/


/Shssh, let me take care of this, Heero./


Duo led them up to the truck driver and in a move so quick - Heero wasn’t sure it had actually happened - Duo slipped the bill into the driver’s pocket, winked and then began to make his way towards the restrooms.


/I don’t…I don’t fucking believe it!/ Heero yelled in horror. /You’re not…!/


But Duo had tuned him out effectively and was now pushing the door open into the rather small and cramped men’s room. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, heart pounding in anticipation at what he was about to do. He had once done this a long time ago and he wondered if the modern man had changed much or if his reaction would be any different. If he knew men like these, he was sure the truck driver would be walking in here any…minute…now!


The door flew open with a light bang and sure enough, the truck driver sauntered in, breathing rather heavily with a lecherous smirk on his rugged visage. He was easily a good foot taller than Duo and had a hundred or more pounds on the teen. He could easily toss Duo over his shoulder and have his merry way with him with no problems whatsoever.


Heero screamed desperately within Duo’s mind, trying to get the stubborn servant to listen to him. He was not going to allow Duo to perform any sexual favors just to get money. He just couldn’t! And besides, this was his body that was bound to be abused. He couldn’t let that happen! But to his dismay, Duo was no longer listening to him and no matter how much he screamed; Heero felt as if he was talking to no one but himself.


Shit. Shit! Shit!!


“Hey there, pretty boy,” the man was saying as he moved closer to Duo. “Whatcha gonna do for me, huh?”


Duo smirked and beckoned the man closer with a finger. “Why don’t you come closer to find out, huh?”


The man grinned to reveal even more crooked teeth and even Duo had to fight the urge not to hurl the meal he had just eaten. He could see the man’s wallet sticking out of his leather jacket and that was what and all he really wanted.


/Just a little pressure, that’s all. He won’t even feel a thing./


He willingly arched his neck, as the man leaned closer to trail wet and sloppy kisses along his exposed skin. His breath smelled like stale eggs and greasy steak and both boys cringed in repulsion. Closing his eyes slowly, Duo made a small tent with the tips of his fingers, pressing it somewhere below the man’s chest gently and allowed the surge of energy to shoot through his body. Heero gasped as he felt the jolt of what seemed like electricity sear through him and into the man now gaping at them with a comical look of surprise on his features.


Whatever Duo was doing was obviously working because the man’s features were beginning to take on a pale and almost clammy look.


/Duo…Duo! Stop! You’re going to kill him! Duo!/


The man’s body shuddered for a moment and then grew slack before it fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Small tendrils of smoke were beginning to rise from the pores of his skin causing Heero to mentally gag at the putrid smell of burning flesh.


/Just what did you do to him, Duo? What the hell did you do?!/


“Just paralyzed him for some time, Heero,” Duo replied slightly out of breath. Goodness, he had no idea that using that much power would make him feel this way. He reached down to pull out the wallet, fingers pulling out the wad of money that was rolled up in there. “He’ll be fine again…just won’t look too familiar to his friends that’s all.”


/He looks…emaciated./


Duo laughed and opened the door, leading them back to the diner. “That’s what he gets for being such a leech. And I won’t hesitate to do that to anyone else who tries to hurt me.”


/We’re going to have a lot of fun, Heero. I’ll make sure of it. /


As he paid for his meal with a grin, Heero could only watch with a sinking feeling of dread in the pits of his stomach. He had only gotten a glimpse of how mean-spirited Duo could be back at the House but if the servant was going to keep acting this way, how was Heero ever going to control him? Duo could just about go killing everyone who dared to annoy him. He knew that he’d have to try his best to make Duo see that there was more to life than just pain and suffering.


And although he really had no idea how he was going to go about it, Heero realized that he’d have to do it quickly before Duo destroyed them both.