School Tales- Arc One{PG/R/NC-17}
A series of drabbles done in Heero's POV and his experiences in one Fujisaki High School
Humor, some angst, sap, fluff, high jinks, AU, lemon, drama, romance
Complete: #01 - Bus Stop (PG-13),
#02 - Slogan War (R),
#03 - Declaration Of Our Love (R),
#04 - The Trouble With Upperclassmen (R)
#05 - Morning Bells and Tardy Slips (R),
#06 - The Ghosts of Room 513 (NC-17),
#07 - Alcohol Prohibited on School Grounds (R),
#08 - Field Trip of Secrets (NC-17),
#09 - What Lies Within (PG-13)
#10 - The Delinquents (R)
#11 - Trials And Errors (R)
#12 - Sweet And Sour (NC-17)
#13 - To Be A Rock Star (R)
#14 - The 'Awful' Truth (R)
#15 - Con and Consequences (NC-17)
#16 - The Missing Vote (R)
#17 - The Junior President (R)
#18 - Lessons in TLC 101 (NC-17)
#19 - Compulsory Detentions (R)
#20 - Extracurricular Activities (R)
#21 - Remedial Study (Hard R)
#22 - Class Dismissed! (NC-17)
Epilogue (PG)
School Tales-Summer Memoirs
Summer memories are made to be remembered...forever...
Complete: Entry One
Entry Two
Entry Three
School Tales - Senior Year
Second Main Arc to the 'School Tales' saga! Classes Begin!
#01 - Welcome Back, Maxwell (R)
#02 - The Crush (R)
#03 - A Night In The ICU (NC-17)
#04 - Secrets and Lies (R)
#05 - East of Eden (R)
#06 - The Ugly Side of Eden (R)
Interlude #01 - In Our Eyes (R)
#07 - Paranoia Agent (R)
#08 - Executive Decisions (R)
#09 - Beautiful Stranger (R)
#10 - Bitter Truths (NC-17)
Interlude #02 - This Boy's Life (R)
#11 - Sins of the Young (R)
#12 - Other People's Problems (NC-17)
#13 - Scent of Deceit (R)
#14 - Shattered Illusions (R)
#15 - Bitter Ecstasy (R)
#16 - The Suspension of Heero Yuy (R)
#17 - An Illicit Affair (R)
#18 - The Dinner Guest (R)
#18b - The Dinner Guest(2) (R)
#19 - The Fall of Hamida (R)
#20 - Maxwell's Legacy (NC-17)
#20b - Maxwell's Legacy 2 (R)
#21 - The Heir (NC-17)
#22 - An Endless Charade (R)
#23 - Final Farewells (R)
#24 - An Evening with Zechs (R)
#25 - Words from the Heart (R)
#26 - A Work in Progress (R)
#27 - The Truth about Relena (R)
#28 - Wufei's Proposal (R)
#29 - Dorothy Tells All (R)
#30 - Bittersweet Symphony (R)
#31 - The Ties that Bind (R)
#32 - Dinner with the Yuys (R)
#33 - The Trouble with Family (R)
#34 - Poetic Beauty (NC-17)
#35 - Making Sacrifices (R)
#36 - School Wars (R)
#37 - The Fourth Wheel (R)
#38 - The Gift of Forgiveness (R)
#39 - Cram School Session (R)
#40 - Fragility (R)
#41 - Bittersweet Revenge (R)
#42 - The Other Side of the Coin (R)
#43 - The Unexpected Guests (R)
#44 - A Brother for all Seasons (R)
#45 - The Winter Ball (R)
#46 - I'm With the Band! (NC-17)
#47 - The 'Break' (R)
#48 - A Christmas To Remember (R)
#49 - Loving Conversations (NC-17)
#50 - New Year Rising (R)
#51 - To Tell the Truth (R)
#52 - The Final Whistle (R)
#53 - The Power Forward (R)
#54 - Crimson Tide (NC-17)
#55 - Learning to Let Go (R)
#56 - Seeking Duo (R)
#57 - Eleanor's Farewell (R)
#58 - Our Serendipity (NC-17)
#59 - Rites of Spring (NC-17)
#60 - Graduation (R)
EPILOGUE - The Valedictorian (E)
- Image: Storminheaven.net
- Brushes: Insomiac
- Fonts: Lainey Day SH
- Pattern: Pootato.org
- Click Here for brushes and images credits.
Kiya's Sanctuary © Kiya Sama
Gundam Wing Fiction
Featuring fanart done for the story by some fabulous artists! ^^