Title: A Night of Memories
Pairings: Yuuri/Wolfram
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, Language, humor, sap/fluff, lemon, unbeta’d
Summary: After much hesitation and worries, Yuuri finally makes the first move.
Notes: Part 3 of the 'Jagged Diamonds' universe.

His held his breath as the heavy footsteps came up the stairs, sat up quickly and tiptoed to the door as he heard the unmistakable click of his older brother’s door being opened. He poked his head out slowly and was just in time to see Shouri disappear into his bedroom.

All right, Yuuri. It’s now or never.

He took a step outside, only to run back into his bedroom with hands slapped over his heated cheeks. Just what in the world was he thinking?! How could he possibly walk up to Shouri and ask him about something so embarrassing? What did he plan to say exactly?

‘Oh, eh…I just wanted to know if you could tell me about the rudiments of sex, Shouri-niichan. I’ve always been curious especially when it comes to guys, so help a brother out, will you?’

Yeah, right. Not only would Shouri think he was mad, Yuuri was sure his sometimes sadistic older brother would have a field day teasing him about it mercilessly.

“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid,” he muttered to himself as he sank to the floor in discouragement. There was no way he was going to ask Shouri. Asking his parents was completely out of the question and although talking to Murata had crossed his mind earlier in the day, Yuuri had quickly scratched that out as well. There was simply no way he could tell his best friend about this. Murata would laugh himself to death, come back from the dead and continue to laugh in his face. That, Yuuri could do without.

“And besides, I’ll bet he hasn’t done it either,” Yuuri said out loud, feeling a bit better that he wasn’t the only virgin left in the city. He was sure Murata wasn’t going to get any anytime soon, so there was still hope for a guy like him. Only problem was…

“I’m planning to do this with a guy,” he said with a sigh, while plucking the hem of his pajamas bottom – a nervous habit he was beginning to cultivate unconsciously. Speaking of the guy he planned to have this with, he wondered if Wolfram was having a goodnight’s rest. He would bet the blond was currently snoozing away in his bed with no care for the war that was currently raging in this partner’s head.



“You okay, Wolfram?” Conrad asked with concern as he stuck his head into his brother’s bedroom. “You’re not coming down with a cold, are you?”

Wolfram shook his head, forcing himself to concentrate on his homework. “I’m fine. Someone must be talking about me somewhere.”

“In that case, you’d be sneezing all the time,” Conrad began jovially and promptly fell silent at the glare he received. Realizing he wasn’t needed (or his jokes for that matter), he coughed and let himself out as quietly as he had arrived.

Wolfram waited for the click of his door being shut before flopping on the desk with a groan. Just what was wrong with him? Ever since the day that stupid Ken Murata had brought up the topic of ‘making-out’ with Yuuri, it’s been stuck in his mind like a broken record. He bit his lower lip hard enough to draw blood, knowing that such illicit thoughts hadn’t just crossed his mind. In fact, hadn’t he had them when those other spirits within them had been active?

He got off the bed and flopped on it, an arm over his eyes as he tried to make himself think of anything but that. However, they just wouldn’t stop. They had almost done it in the hospital room, but the end results had been a bit embarrassing. Neither of them had been able to hold on for too long and had come too fast. It had been a messy, humiliating affair that Wolfram didn’t want to repeat.

Liar, a tiny voice inside of him cried out causing him to blush darkly. You know you want to do so much more than just necking and stealing kisses here and there.

“Shut up,” he whispered fiercely into the pillow. Was it the soldier talking within him? Or some newly created perverted mind of his?

It’s okay to admit the truth, Wolfram, that persistent voice continued mercilessly. Just admit that you want him in that way…

“But I’m not ready!” he admitted harshly. “I mean, yes, I do think about it but…but…I’ll be too nervous to do a thing and I’ll be…”

Then don’t you think you should be practicing…

“Practice? How the hell do I practice making out with myself…and I don’t mean the masturbation thing either.”

Then why don’t you ask Conrad?

“Conrad?!” He promptly slapped a hand over his mouth, his face now as red as a tomato. There was no way in hell he was going to ask his older brother about something like this. He was sure that Conrad had lots of experience in matters like these, but the very idea of walking up him and asking about –

“Never,” he said stubbornly, curling in a fetal position and shutting his eyes tightly. He would figure this out on his own eventually. I mean, how hard could it be to walk into a bookstore or a video store to learn about sex…with guys?

Only problem was, he’d have to find a good porn shop around the city where no one would recognize him.

How hard could it possibly be?

He ended up sleeping by the door after all and woke up with a killer neck ache and a disgruntled disposition. He mumbled his greetings to his parents as he wolfed down breakfast. All too soon, he was wobbling down the street on his bicycle, yawning and wishing he could be on his soft, comfy…

“Morning, grumpy!” came the jovial greeting that was followed by a slap on his shoulders, which all but toppled him to the ground.

“Murata!” Yuuri yelled in agitation, straightening out his bike and hoping he hadn’t broken a chain. Murata was going to have to pay if that happened. “What’s wrong with you?”

“You are looking at a new man, my friend,” the bespectacled boy said with a grin wide enough to split his face in two.

“Sure, sure, you’re always a new man every day,” Yuuri sulked, still trying to adjust his bike.

“No, no, you don’t understand. I’m a new man. M-A-N. Man.” A gleam went off the glasses and Yuuri blinked as his words finally sunk in.

“No way!”

“Way.” Murata smirked and wiped his glasses with deliberate slowness before slipping them back on. “And I even have a souvenir to prove it.” He reached into his school bag, and leaning closer to Yuuri, showed him the small notepad to a Love Hotel which had some scribbling on it and a lipstick mark beside it.

“Her name was Asuko…”

“The temple maiden?!” Yuuri screeched only to have a hand slapped over his mouth.

“Shsssh! Not the temple maiden!” Murata hissed sharply. “Asuko is a friend of Hanamura…the temple maiden. Anyway, we got introduced on that date I told you about last week and somehow, she took a fancy to me – can’t imagine why not – and one thing led to another and--”

“You’re lying,” Yuuri interrupted with a frown, although his mind was racing as he began to walk towards class with Murata hot on his heels. There was no way Murata could have made out with someone before him. Was he the only virgin left in the city now?!

“I’m not,” Murata defended with a wave of his hands. He placed them on Yuuri’s shoulders forcing his friend to stop. “Look at me, Shibuya. Would I lie to you about something like this?”

“Then why are you telling me about it?”

“Because it’s a conquest! Con-quest. I have a right to brag about it. You would too…well…when you eventually get around to it.”

“Get lost,” Yuuri grumbled over Murata’s laughter. He shrugged off his friend’s hands and stalked into class with a feeling of gloom over his head. He didn’t know if Murata was still pulling his leg or not, but what Yuuri did know was that he was feeling incredibly jealous of his friend’s good fortune. Why couldn’t things be that easy for him?

The troubling thoughts remained with him as the rode back home after school. Murata, who was now a part of the Student Council, had some meetings to deal with, and Yuuri was very grateful to have some time to think over what he planned to do.

Should he call Wolfram and invite him over for to his house or to a love hotel? Good grief! Would Wolfram even want to go to a hotel for something like that? Yuuri was sure he’d either get punched or strangled or choked or…


Yuuri screeched to a halt at the familiar voice and turned around quickly with a smile on his face. Sure enough the blond baseball player was standing in front of a coffee shop, waving at him frantically from across the street. Another familiar figure walked out to stand beside him and Yuuri’s smile widened as he recognized Yoichiro. What were those two doing here?

“Hi guys!” he greeted, allowing his hand to be pumped enthusiastically.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Yuuri after all this time,” Keiichi greeted with a laugh, playfully ruffling Yuuri’s hair. “Want to join us for a quick bite? Yoichiro’s buying.”

The dark-haired boy looked surprised at the sudden turn of events and glared at his companion. He shook his head before turning to an amused Yuuri. “Sure. My treat. Come on in. I’ve got a table for us and from the look of things, you seem to have a lot on your mind.”

“That obvious, huh?” Yuuri muttered in embarrassment as he allowed himself to be led into the relatively quiet café.

“Your face is an open book, Yuuri,” Keiichi said with a wink. “It’s always a pleasure to read. So why don’t you tell big brothers Keiichi and Yoichiro about your problems, hmm? I’m sure we’ll be more than happy to help.”

Yuuri looked into the curious pairs of eyes trained at him and knew that he had finally found the people to help him with his dilemma. Taking a deep breath and reaching for the salt-shaker (he had to keep his hands busy or he’d be twiddling them constantly), he began to talk.

Wolfram felt ridiculous. The black wig and sunglasses he wore made him look like a stalker or worse. It was itchy and quite uncomfortable. He stared at the waiting street before him and swallowed tightly, wishing he could jump back into the bus that had dropped him off here. Although it was still early in the evening, many of the buildings had their neon lights flashing – ‘Love Hotel’ seemed to be the predominant signs here. In between them were shops that sold items that were most likely to either get you in the mood for a good time or probably kill you (this in reference to the BDSM shop he walked past.) Wolfram had never seen so many chains, whips and leather products in his life. Did people actually like being in pain while having sex? He shuddered and wondered if Yuuri was into pain. Oh God.

“Hello, handsome,” someone crooned next to him and Wolfram almost gave a yelp of surprise as the overly made-up face smiled at him. “Wanna taste of me?”

“Eh…no…no thanks,” the boy replied quickly as quickened his steps.

“How about me, beautiful?” Another one cried out, causing Wolfram to stumble backwards and the face cap he had placed on his head, to fall to the ground.

“No, it’s my turn,” a girl, who didn’t look any older than eighteen screeched as she shoved the older woman away. “You took my customer last night. It’s my turn now!”

“Bitch! It’s mine! You had that businessman the other day and it’s my turn!”

Slinking away from the scene, Wolfram turned and began to run away blindly. He felt something hot burning within his eyes and he realized he was this close to breaking down in tears. What in the world had made him come here? Was he so desperate to please Yuuri that he had lowered himself to come to such a place?

I don’t care anymore. I don’t care! I don’t care! I don’t care if he wants to make out with me or not!

And as he ran past the bright lights, the couples holding hands or openly making out on the street, the cat calls to him, and the invitation to sin and decadence, Wolfram knew he had never felt any lonelier in his life.

“It’s all about setting the mood.”

“And being prepared. You can never be too careful.”

“Yeah, I always carry a condom and lube around just in case.”

Yuuri flushed darkly at the memory of Keiichi and Yoichiro’s words as he rode back home. In his pocket, the two men had slipped said items into his pocket and they seemed to be burning a hole in there. Every now and then, he’d stop to touch it, as if making sure he hadn’t dreamed up the whole thing. But sure enough, Keiichi had been kind enough to lend him two packs of blue-foil covered condoms (raspberry flavored of all things) and a small tube of lubricant that looked innocuous.

“You’ll both know when it’s the right time,” Yoichiro had said with a warm smile. “You don’t have to rush it, you know.”

“That’s right,” Yuuri whispered as his trip took him around the public baseball park that was closed at this hour. “I’ll know when the time is right…”

The words died on his lips as he noticed the lone figure batting in the middle of the park. He brought his bicycle to a stop, almost falling off it as he ran to the wired fence. There was no mistaking that stance and the shock of blond hair that belonged to the one he loved. He wasn’t surprised to find his heartbeat quickening or the nervous flutter of butterflies in his stomach. It almost always happened whenever he saw Wolfram.

Grinning with pleasure, he climbed the fence and leapt over it, jogging down the bleachers to get to the baseball diamond.

“Oy, Wolfram!” he hailed in greeting, only to duck as a ball came flying towards him. “What the…?!”

“Pitch!” came the single command. Another ball was sent and this time, Yuuri caught it with a wince, feeling his palms burn with the force of the throw. As usual, Wolfram always had interesting ways of greeting him.

He walked to the mound, peeling off his school jacket and tossing it to the ground. It was then that he noticed the dark hair-like thing and sunglasses amongst Wolfram’s belongings. “What’s all that?” he asked. “And how come you’re here. They don’t allow…”

“I can use this park whenever I want,” Wolfram replied with a shrug. He gave the wig and sunglasses a quick glance and turned away. “Just pitch already.”

“O…Okay…” Yuuri nodded and did a few arms stretches, now realizing that there was something bothering Wolfram. Wondering what it could be, while wishing he could run up to the blond and give him a hug or words of reassurance, he threw the ball and almost got clobbered by the return. That did it!

“Just what’s wrong with you anyway?” he asked with a scowl, dusting off the dirt from his pants. He had to dive to the ground to escape being socked in the head with the baseball.

“It’s not my fault you’re a lousy pitcher,” Wolfram replied. “Pitch!”

“Don’t feel like it.”

“Then get out of here then,” came the angry retort. “Why did you come here anyway?”

“Because I saw my boyfriend standing in the middle of a baseball field this late at night and I have a right to know why he’s being such an asshole to me!”

“Hmph. Don’t pretend like you’re the caring one now,” Wolfram said, rolling his eyes and dropping the bat to the ground. “Anyway, help me with the balls. I need to get home now.”

“God, you’re such a pain in the ass,” Yuuri muttered as he did as he was told. Wolfram, who heard him, waited for an opportunity and once Yuuri’s back was turned, he dove for his legs to topple him to the soft grass.

“Wolf…argh!” He found himself lying face down on the grass with Wolfram straddling his back and holding his arms prisoner.

“You want to say that again?” Wolfram threatened in a husky whisper close to Yuuri’s ear. He smiled at the reluctant shiver that ran through Yuuri’s body, thankful that his flushed face couldn’t be seen. Sitting this way was rather…provocative in its own right.

“Uncle! I cry uncle so let me go!”

“Wimp,” Wolfram smirked. “I knew you were too weak to....” He faltered as he finally noticed the items sticking out of Yuuri’s pockets. Frowning lightly, he reached for them—

“No! Don’t!” Yuuri cried out in dismay.

-and could only gawk in disbelief at the sight of the condoms and lube.

“I told you to give them to me,” Yuuri said with a grunt as he shoved an unresisting Wolfram off his back to grab the items. He tucked them back into his pants, now unable to look at the blond. His cheeks burned and if he had stolen a peek at Wolfram, he would have noticed the very same expression on his face. An eternity seemed to go by as the tension between them grew thick. Neither boy wanted to say the wrong thing in case…

“I’ll pick up the rest of the balls,” Wolfram said quickly and stumbled to his feet, needing to get away from the heat that was beginning to flow between them.

Finally, “I want to,” Yuuri said in a voice that was low and yet loud enough for Wolfram to hear. “I want to…to do this with you, Wolfram.”

He lifted his gaze slowly to meet the blond’s stricken one, hoping his sincerity was evident in his eyes. “Wolfram I…”

“No!” Wolfram shook his head rapidly and began to drag the basket of balls towards the locker room. No. No. No. He wasn’t ready. He just wasn’t. And why was Yuuri looking more and more like that blasted Maou everyday?! When he had looked at Wolfram a moment ago, it felt as if the very air was being sucked out from around him. His chest hurt. Hurt with the knowledge that he wanted Yuuri as well and was still afraid to screw things up.


He stopped at the deep resonance of that voice, his body shivering at the implications. Yes, that’s right. The Maou and Yuuri were one and the same person after all. He turned around slowly to face Yuuri, his heart beating faster than ever before. He licked his lips and took a deep breath.

“Conrad isn’t home tonight. We can go to my place.”

He turned away again. The gauntlet had been thrown, and God help him but it was now time for Yuuri to take up the challenge. If he wanted to.

The trip to Wolfram’s house was a quiet one. Neither boy said much as Yuuri pushed his bicycle and Wolfram followed silently beside him – a death grip on the strap of his bag. He had refused to answer Yuuri’s questions about the wig, too embarrassed to tell him about his failed visit to the raunchy area of town.

Every now and then, he’d steal a peek at Yuuri’s back, noticing the subtle changes that were taking place in him. Yuuri was growing taller, his hair now much longer. Whether it was from the baseball practices, or some other sporting activity he had taken up, those shoulders were getting a bit broader as well. Wolfram had seen Yuuri shirtless before and yet he found himself trembling at the thought of seeing him completely naked.

To touch him again…

He made a small sound that was like a whimper, causing Yuuri to look at him in concern. “Are you okay, Wolfram?” he asked quietly. “We don’t have to…”

“Just shut up and walk,” came the mumbled reply as he brushed past Yuuri to take the lead.

“Gee, sorry to show my concern,” Yuuri grumbled, now wondering if there was going to be any mood set at all tonight. Wolfram wasn’t making things easy, but then again, had he expected the boy to jump into his arms in delight at the prospect of having sex with him? He stared after Wolfram, with unbeknownst hunger, watching the subtle sway of those lean hips as he walked. Wolfram had grown a few more inches since the time they met and his gold locks curved around his handsome features like it was meant to be. He had seen Wolfram shirtless a few times and yet the thought of seeing him completely naked…

Dear God.

“Stop spacing out and walk faster, wimp!”

Yuuri groaned and pushed his bicycle in an effort to catch up. Yeah, things were definitely not going to be easy tonight. Wolfram was an expert at killing moods effectively. At this rate, Yuuri thought he would be lucky if he could get past a kiss.

“Where did he go to?”

“Yozak is in town,” came the cryptic reply and that was enough to have Yuuri nodding in understanding. He dropped his school bag and eyed his dirty uniform with a wince. He would have to –

“Let’s take a bath.”

“WHAT?!” he screeched, his heart slamming hard within his chest and a light sheen of sweat breaking out on his brow. Geez. For all his denial, Wolfram was quick to make the first move. He hadn’t expected –

“Idiot,” Wolfram said with a shake of his head. “We’re both dirty, right? We’ve got to clean up first. I’ll wash your back and you wash mine.”

End of story.

Yuuri was still gawking after the blond, wondering if this sudden turn of events –

“Move it!” came the yell.

“Ye…yes!” No questions asked. He grinned and began to kick off his clothes from the living room, leaving a trail of socks, pants and t-shirt en route to the bathroom. He had only a moment to register that Wolfram was already naked and had to stop himself from staring too long at the naked butt that faced him.

Shit! I forgot the lube! Oh wait…did you plan to pounce on him in the bathroom, Yuuri? Nice going! Not only will you two end up slipping and breaking a leg or two, you’re bound to –

“What are you thinking about?” Wolfram asked as he pulled a stool to begin scrubbing himself. He was proud of himself so far. He had given himself a good pep talk on the way here and had decided that acting natural would help to ease the tension between them. God knows he’d rather eat hot coals than tell Yuuri that his heartbeat was doing the tango at the moment. It was taking a lot of self-control not to show he was trembling…badly.

“No…nothing,” Yuuri stuttered, and turned away to begin scrubbing as well.

“My back is ready,” Wolfram said after a while and Yuuri – who’s mind was already well into the gutter –flushed and stole a peek at the tantalizing view of Wolfram’s ass…

“MY BACK!” Wolfram yelled, chucking the sponge at Yuuri’s face. “Not my butt, you pervert!”

“You should have explained it better!” Yuuri defended himself quickly, picking up the sponge to crawl towards Wolfram.

“Oh yeah, like I’m going to say ‘take me, now, Yuuri! My ass is all yours!’?”

They looked at each other and just like that, the giggles started. Hey, this isn’t so bad, Yuuri thought as he began to wash Wolfram’s back, still laughing softly. We’re at least having fun.

He moved the soapy sponge across the pale skin, smiling as Wolfram lowered his head to give him better access to his neck.

Wow, his skin is so smooth, firm and yet soft. Perfect.

He poured some water to rinse away the soap suds, his heart thumping wildly in his chest at what he was about to do. Praying that Wolfram wouldn’t punch him for being so daring, he leaned closer until his lips were barely inches from the broad back.

“Wha…what are you doing?” Wolfram whispered and promptly sucked in a harsh breath as he felt Yuuri’s tongue in a feather-like dance across his flesh. He arched into the touch, body trembling as Yuuri’s tongue became bolder still. His hands fisted tightly, a low moan escaping his lips as he felt the graze of Yuuri’s teeth moving lower, lower still until they came to the small of his back.

“No,” he gasped weakly. It was a very sensitive spot for him and Yuuri was quick to take note of that as Wolfram jerked a little at the tender kiss he placed at the tailbone. He smiled at the reaction and did it again, relishing in the tiny whimpers Wolfram was now giving with each deliberate kiss to that area.

He moved his hands across Wolfram’s waist and towards the (not surprising) semi-erect penis that was almost straining against his torso. Moving his lips upwards again, this time to focus on Wolfram’s arched neck, Yuuri’s fingertips brushed against the swollen tip of Wolfram’s cock, their combined sighs of pleasure loud in the silent bathroom.

“Yuu…Yuuri,” Wolfram gasped and then cried out as he felt the roaming finger tease the entrance to his anus from behind. No. No! He wasn’t…not like…

“Aaah!” His head fell forward as Yuuri’s strokes on his penis became much firmer and in control. He placed a trembling hand on Yuuri’s wrist to try to stop him – anything to gain control of his whirling senses again. The pleasure was too much. It was steadily building with each caress of his sensitive organ and Yuuri’s fingers near his tight opening wasn’t helping much. He was going to die from sensory overload. He just knew it.

“I’m going to co…come,” he panted, knowing it was inevitable. He desperately wanted to hold it in for as long as he could. He wanted to make this last for as long as he could and yet –

I can’t hold it…I have to…I have to…!

His toes curled on the cool tiles and the heat – no, a fire – that roared through him had him crying out in completion as he finally exploded into his lover’s teasing hands. His entire body shook from the force of his orgasm and he would have fallen to the floor if it wasn’t for Yuuri’s strong arms holding him steady. The world swam in and out of focus for a while. He wanted to talk. To say something. To apologize for coming too quickly, but when he felt the warm lips pressed against his, all thoughts faded into oblivion as he opened his mouth to accept Yuuri.

The kiss was slow at first, a tentative meeting of lips and tongues, but as Yuuri felt Wolfram’s arms tighten around his neck to deepen the kiss, he knew he was lost.

“Bed…bedroom,” he managed to gasp, staring into Wolfram’s flushed face and swollen lips with a hunger that almost scared him.

“Soap…” Wolfram panted. “Wash…”

“Right.” Yuuri released himself reluctantly to pour the warm bucket of water over himself. It didn’t do much to quell his raging hard on and hardly thinking of drying himself, he tugged Wolfram to his feet to lead him towards his bedroom.

“Ouch!” Wolfram cried out as he was tossed to the bed. “Don’t…at least dry yourself, you moron!” And yet, he couldn’t stop the bubbling laughter within him as he stared into Yuuri’s flushed and wet face. His hair lay in damp ringlets upon his scalp and face as he leaned over Wolfram, those dark eyes, narrowed and intense as they eyed its prize.

“My bed is going to be soaking wet,” Wolfram added with a mumble, lowering his lashes at the intensity of that look. When he felt the hand placed beneath his chin, he was forced to meet that gaze again and this time, he was sure that the Maou was in control – or at least he was giving Yuuri the confidence he needed at this time.

“I love you,” came the sudden words, said so quietly and sincerely that Wolfram felt that ridiculous sting behind his eyes.

“Idiot,” he muttered harshly, trying to look away. But his heart soared as he felt those sure lips on his again. He responded with everything he had, willing to show Yuuri that he wasn’t going to let him down tonight. He had to please Yuuri too.

In a sudden move, he twisted them around so that he straddled the surprised boy. “Wolfr…?”

“Shssh. My turn now,” Wolfram said with a small smile as his lips began a journey down Yuuri’s body. He licked the hollow within his neck, resting his tongue gently to feel the quickening pulse of his lover’s heartbeat. Yuuri shivered at the sensation, writhing gently on the sheet as Wolfram moved even lower to pay attention to the dusky nipples that were tight with desire. He sucked and grazed them lightly, listening to Yuuri’s gasps of delight as the sensitive nubs were played with. Wolfram really had no idea what would make his lover feel good and was on a trial and error basis here. If Yuuri winced in pain, he would stop. However, it looked like he was doing a good job so far. Grinning with confidence now, he moved his tongue even lower, licking away the moisture from the water as he teased the bellybutton that was almost non-existent.

As he approached the swollen organ nestling against Yuuri’s stomach, Wolfram swallowed tightly, knowing that he wanted to do a whole lot more than just touch it. Should he…could he…?

He raised his questioning gaze to meet Yuuri’s heated ones, smiling at the small nod he received. He held the throbbing flesh, amazed at how big it was.

Okay, you can do this, Wolfram. Just…just…just…

“…don’t bite me,” Yuuri pleaded softly, earning him a scowl in return. He fell back to the pillows and fought back a scream of pleasure as he felt his entire cock being engulfed in Wolfram’s mouth. Dear God! Where and when did Wolfram learn how to do that?! The warmth and suction on his cock was enough to drive him mad. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought it would feel this good. He thrust his hips in rhythm with Wolfram’s motions, daring to peek at the way his lover’s head moved up and down. Damn if it wasn’t the sexiest thing he had seen in a while.

And then he felt it. The dull but impending coil of fire in the pit of his stomach. He felt the rush of blood to his head and arched off the bed, hands fisting into the sheets to control himself.

“No…” he pleaded, trying to shake Wolfram off him. “Don’t…don’t make me come now,” he gasped. But it was a futile attempt for a sudden thrust of Wolfram’s fingers into his unprepared opening had him yelping out in surprise and coming so hard that Wolfram had to release him quickly with a cough.

“Sor…sorry,” he panted, sitting up with his features flushed in humiliation. “I didn’t mean to…”

“…try to choke me to death?” Wolfram finished, licking his lips to capture the escaping trail of semen. “Hmm…not as tasty as mine,” he joked, and then lowered his lashes, watching the still twitching organ release its seed. “Was…eh…was that good?”

Yuuri smiled at the shy question and sat up to wrap his arms tightly around Wolfram’s waist. “It was amazing,” he finally said, groaning as their cocks rubbed against each other’s with the subtle movements they made. “Aaaah…Wolf…Wolfram…about…”

He was silenced by another heated kiss – hot enough to send them falling back to the bed. Wolfram reached for Yuuri’s hand, leading it towards his ass to knead the taut flesh gently. Tongues battled with each other, torsos and cocks still straining as their bodies trembled with the enormity of what was to take place next.

Wolfram pulled back long enough to stare deeply into Yuuri’s eyes. “I’ll let you take me this time,” he finally said in a husky whisper. “Swear you won’t make it hurt.”

Mind still reeling from the sudden acceptance, Yuuri could only nod weakly. “I…I promise…but I need to get my…”

Wolfram moved a little, hands reaching into the bedside drawer to search within for a few seconds. He pulled out the small bottle and foil packet, cheeks flaming at the incredulous look Yuuri threw at him. “What?” he muttered. “You didn’t think you were the only one prepared, just in case, did you?”

Laughing softly, Yuuri kissed his blushing lover’s lips, before turning them around again. He stared at the foil for a moment, and praying he would put it on right, he began to –

“You do know the way it goes, right?” Wolfram asked suddenly.

“Yes, I do,” Yuuri muttered, hoping that Wolfram’s Q&A session wouldn’t ruin the mood. “Yes!” he cried out in triumph as the rubber material fit like a glove around his cock. He grinned and reached for the lube, turning to face Wolfram who now had his hands over his eyes like a child caught doing something bad.


“Just get on with it,” Wolfram whispered behind his hands. “Oh God, this is so…aaah! Yuuri!”

His cry of surprise at the feel of Yuuri’s lips around his cock was soon drowned with the moans of pleasure that engulfed him. So this was what Yuuri must have felt like when he had done the same earlier. He had never thought it would feel this good, this…delicious. So good in fact that he barely registered the coated and cool fingers delving into his opening, gently probing, deeper…deeper still…


Yuuri stopped, features contorted in concern. “Does…does it hurt?”

“No…” came the breathless reply. “Go on…”

Wolfram’s hips bucked and Yuuri obliged. He buried his fingers deeper still until he heard Wolfram give another cry and a tremendous shudder that had him smiling. He knew he had hit something really good inside his partner. He withdrew and plunged continuously, keeping a steady rhythm, watching Wolfram’s features carefully for any sign of pain. The last thing he wanted to do was to bring discomfort to his partner.

“Aaaah…” Wolfram thrashed helplessly. “Com…coming…Yuuri!”

Not yet, Yuuri’s mind cried out and quickly withdrew, earning a sharp cry of dismay from Wolfram.

“Why…?” came the choked whisper.

“We’ll come together this time,” Yuuri replied with a warm smile as he leaned over Wolfram, hands moving behind his knees to lift his legs gently. He had to chuckle a little as Wolfram wrapped them tightly around his waist. As the blond tried to cover his face again, Yuuri reached out to remove them slowly, smiling as Wolfram stubbornly kept his eyes shut this time.

“Look at me, Wolfram,” he pleaded thickly, moving to place his straining cock against the prepared entrance. “Please…”

“I can’t,” Wolfram replied weakly. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t cry. He just…wouldn’t! Damn Yuuri for making this seem so beautiful. The way he spoke – that gently soothing way, the loving look in his eyes….

“Wolfram…” Yuuri groaned and began to thrust in slowly, hands clasping Wolfram’s tightly as their breaths caught at the invasion.

Tight heat engulfing him.

The feel of that thick organ filling him completely.

Their fingers clenched and unclenched tightly, Wolfram now opening his eyes to meet the intense dark ones above him. The pain was excruciating, but bearable thanks to the lube and Yuuri’s gentle thrusts.

“O…okay?” Yuuri panted. “Are you…okay?”

Wolfram bit his lower lip and waited for his body to adjust before nodding slowly. “Yes…I…I think so…aaaah….Yuu…Yuuri!”

The pain was reduced to a dull throb and soon replaced with a sensation so amazing, it was incredibly difficult to describe. Wolfram could only hang on for dear life as he felt Yuuri thrusting deeper and harder within him, his hips seeming to move of their own accord to catch up to him. The tears he had thought he could control and hold back, began to trail down his cheeks as the pressure slowing began to build deep within him.

“Wolfram,” Yuuri croaked in a voice that sounded as if he too was close to tears. “Oh God…help me…”

It was too much too take. This bond, this union of bodies and souls between them was too much for them to deal with. They could feel the spirits within them stirring to life, a flood of memories from a time when they had been King and Soldier, enveloping their beings as they moved faster and faster. Neither seemed to notice the pale blue aura that had surrounded Yuuri or the dull flaming red one around Wolfram. Fire and Water. Mingling together to form an earth-shattering and sizzling steam of pleasure which had them crying out in unison at the mind blowing conlusion.

Wolfram could feel Yuuri’s cock swelling within him, the hot sensation of his seed being trapped by the protective wrapping around it. It was enough to have him bucking up sharply and finally giving in to an orgasm that took his breath away and made him blind for a brief moment. He came hotly between their heaving torsos, his entire body trembling with the force of his ejaculation. He released Yuuri’s hands to wrap his arms around the trembling boy’s neck, his tears falling faster as he heard Yuuri’s harsh sob against him.

Together they remained that way, shaking, quaking with the aftermath, the silence only broken by the sound of their silent tears of completion and happiness. Words were not necessary. Nothing would be good enough to describe what had just taken place anyway.

Wolfram fell back to the pillows, reaching up to brush away the tears from Yuuri’s cheeks. He smiled then, a motion so beautiful that Yuuri couldn’t believe that anyone on earth could look this way.

“Wolfram…” he began, barely getting the name past another choked sob that wracked through his slender frame. “I…I…”

“I know,” Wolfram whispered softly, as he cradled his lover against him with a slow nod of understanding. “I know…”