Title: Jared's Decision Rating: R Warnings: Language, angst Genre:Drama Summary:When Jared Sawyer makes his final decision, he leaves behind a younger brother
who feels responsible and guilty for causing an unbearable rift in their
family. Complete:One
Title: The Skirt Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Genre:Drama Summary:The impact a short skirt makes on a small conservative town. Complete:One
Title: The Breakup Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Angst Genre:Drama Summary:The little things we see when faced with pain. Complete:One
Title: Secret Garden Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Genre:General/Fantasy Summary:It was a miserable old room until I discovered a little secret... Complete:One
Title: Trapped Rating: R Warnings: Angst/Mild Violence Genre:Drama Summary:A young man's thoughts before dying. The consequences that befall all those who choose to go through the easier path in life. Complete:One
Title: The Wedding Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Angst Genre:Drama Summary:A happy or not so happy bride's memories on the most wonderful day of her life Complete:One
Title: We Remember Rating: G Genre:Drama/Emotional Summary:Dedicated to those that lost their lives in the Sept 11th incidents and to those who fight to live on. Complete:One
Title: My Baby Rating: PG Genre:Romance Summary:Valentine day mushiness ^_^ Complete:One