We Remember:


For those who live

For those who love

For those who weep

For those who mourn


For the lives we once had

For the lives we look forward to

For the dreams we once shared

For the dreams that are yet to be fulfilled


Dry your eyes, you who cry for things of the past

Do not let your suffering get in the way of your future.

Let the memories that were once filled with joy

Take precedence over the misery of today.


We have lost many, that much is true

But we must remember that another life is being created


No one can take the place of our lost ones

No thing can replace our memories


Cherish every waking moment with the one you love

Compliment every little nuance that he or she has

Take pride in the little things that they do for you

Smile at every silly joke

Laugh at every funny story that you share

Cry together

Share your dreams with one another


For every second spent is but a moment in time

One that we should treasure, no matter how meaningless it might mean to another.


Here today, gone tomorrow


We remember those that gave up so much for us….


{September 11, 2001}