Bitter Truths:




The School Gardens:



For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a loner – one of those people who’d rather do things on their own without depending on others. I had no problems with it and would have continued to be that way if it hadn’t been for my mother’s incessant need for me to be more sociable. She threw me into as many clubs and sporting activities as she t need for me to be more socials out of the locker room, his footsteps echoing down the empty hallway like his agitation or angpossibly could, all in the attempt to get me to make new friends. Birthday parties were quite a big deal for her and sometimes, I’d find myself in a roomful of classmates or teammates I had absolutely nothing in common with.


However, the Peacecrafts are the exception. Our families are close friends due to father’s involvement with a project the billionaire had started when I was about five years old. We would always go to the Peacecraft residence for Sunday brunches and of course, I had met the brown-haired girl who would eventually become one of my first and closest friends. Of course it goes without saying that she was a bossy little thing back then. After all, being the only girl had its perks and she was almost considered and treated like royalty. Zechs on the other hand, became the big brother I never really wanted. He teased me a lot and still does to this day, seeming to find pleasure in either making me embarrassed with his sexual innuendos or just plain angry for the fun of it.


I still think our families are a bit upset that Relena and I aren’t any closer, if you know what I mean. But, I think they’ve come to understand that we’d never be a couple. We are just content the way we are and that’s that. So yes, with the exception of Relena and Zechs, I had little to no ‘friends’ at all.


However, all that changed with my arrival to Fujisaki. It’s not as if I made a conscious effort to become friendlier and I didn’t go out of my way to become accepted, but thanks to Relena’s outgoing nature and her need to introduce me to others even if it killed her (or me), I came to meet and enjoy the company of Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Hilde Schbeiker and Dorothy Catalonia. They are a rather eclectic bunch, but we work well together and I’ve really come to appreciate their support for me throughout the years.


Although I won’t say we are that close, since I can’t very well share every single secret with them - and god knows I wouldn’t have wanted to share this particular story either - however, with Duo’s prodding, I now find myself spilling out my guts to the curious group all peering at me as if I’ve grown an extra head. It’s quite unnerving to tell you the truth, but at least no one’s laughing or making faces and that helps a lot.


I deliberately keep out the sordid details of Kamui’s claims of me sleeping with him and I know Duo’s not pleased about that, but hell if I’m going to go that far. It’s not really their business anyway and all they have to know is that there’s a rather sick kid running around the school grounds trying to make my life a living hell. I wonder what suggestions would be given to me.


“I say we ambush him at night and kill him swiftly but quietly,” Dorothy suggests calmly. “A blow to the head with a baseball bat would work quite well.”


We all gawk at her in disbelief, but she continues to suck on her boxed fruit juice as if she had suggested nothing out of the ordinary.


“Ah…well…I don’t think we want to go killing…” I begin but Relena intervenes.


“Damn it! And to think I was going to let him into my fashion show! Grrr!” She stabs her plate of salad with a fork causing the guys and I cringe a bit at the venom in that act. “Let me get some dirt on him, Heero. Let me print something about him in the papers…”


“No!” I say quickly. “That’s exactly what he might want you to do and then what? Who knows what he’ll do afterwards? I don’t want to see your paper banned because of his connections…”


“I hope he goes hang himself,” Hilde mumbles with a glare.


Trowa finishes up with his glass of orange juice and says quietly. “You did say his father is a member of the ministry…”


“Not just a member,” Duo explains. “He’s the Minster of Education for the fucking country. The dude can take us all down with one word to his daddy.”


That harsh fact leaves us stumped for a moment. I can already see the chain of destruction in my head. We do something terrible to Kamui, he goes and reports to his father who has a long talk with the principal of Fujisaki, who then proceeds to ban most school activities or worse expel us from school with some cock and bull story he must have told his father to begin with.


“But there’s got to be something we can do,” Quatre muses with a light frown. “You can deny him some rights in school, can’t you, Heero?”


“Yeah, good thing you already yanked him out of the fashion show,” Wufei agrees with a nod. “What else can you do to him here?”


“Hmmm, I think he’s a member of the Chess club,” Relena says with a light frown as if trying to remember something she had read up somewhere. “We have to get stats and stuff for all our models, you know. Anyway, I heard something about him being in the Chess Club.”


“And if he’s been picked as a representative for the school, all you have to do is tell the Club President, who’s a good friend of mine,” Quatre says with a light smirk, “to pull Kamui out of the tournament.”


Speaking of which…


“How did he take it, Relena?” I ask, turning my attention to her. “What did he do when you told him he couldn’t participate in the show anymore?”


“Well, to be honest, I didn’t feel good telling him that, Heero,” she says with a firm nod. “But that was before I knew about this. Hmph, if I had known earlier, you can be sure I wouldn’t have felt so bad for him. Anyway, he looked a bit confused…you know…had that cute almost hurt look on his face and I felt like a complete heel for telling him no.”


“What did you say exactly?” Hilde asks.


“I just said that we’re sorry we just realized we had way too much models for the show and we’d have to let him go but that we’ll definitely be using him for some other project coming up.”


I am unaware of how tightly clasped my hands are as I listen. Knowing his reaction to such a thing will help in how we approach him from now on.


“So he didn’t pull some tantrum or anything like that?” Duo asks with a raised brow as if in disbelief himself.


“Surprisingly none,” Relena says with a shrug. “He just said that he was disappointed and wished he could participate but that he’ll be cheering us on and that he’s bought ten tickets for him and his friends. He wouldn’t want to miss it for anything in the world.”


Duo and I exchange a quick but knowing look. Kamui’s response had been too…


“Sounds like he wasn’t too upset about it,” Wufei says slowly. “It’s a bit fishy if you ask me.”


My sentiments exactly.


“Hey, you don’t think he’s going to do something stupid like rig the show or anything like that, do you?” Hilde asks with a worried look on her features. “I mean…I’ve seen some people do stuff like that. In that movie, where the girl doesn’t win the competition and then she goes about setting traps and stuff so that all the other contestants get hurt…”


“No one’s ruining my show!” Relena retorts sharply. “I’m not going to let that little punk mess up something we’ve worked so hard for. If he does anything like that, I’ll personally throw him over my knee and spank his ass so hard, he won’t be able to walk for a week!”


Someone bursts out laughing and although I don’t feel like joining in the infectious sounds of my friends’ mirth, I can’t help smiling a little at the thought of Kamui being spanked by an irate Relena. Perhaps that could be one of the ways to make him see some sense…


“Ah…uum…excuse me…sempai?”


Just like that, my blood runs cold at the familiar soft voice that interrupts our conversation and I don’t need to look around to see who’s standing behind me. I can already tell from the surprised looks on my friends features that the very boy we are talking about is now in our midst. I swear you can cut the tension with a knife at this point.


It’s Duo who manages to break the silence with a low drawl. “Hello, Kamui. Is there something you wanted?” I can sense the tension in Duo’s body (since he’s sitting right beside me) and I’m sure that he would have loved to punch Kamui right about now. Placing a hand upon his slightly trembling one, I squeeze it gently in reassurance before turning around to face the freshman.


He’s smiling…blushing but smiling and holding something in his hands. Two of his male classmates flank his sides and they look a bit terrified at standing in the presence of eight upperclassmen. It looks as if they wish they could be anywhere but here, but I’m sure that Kamui must have dragged them here with a bribe or a threat or worse.


“Kamui.” I greet flatly, my back prickling with awareness, knowing full well that my friends are watching our interaction carefully.


He blushes even harder and bows a little. “I’m sorry for interrupting you, sempai but I just wanted to return this.”


He holds out the cloth wrapped in a clear plastic bag. I hear Duo’s harsh intake of breath beside me and I know he’s recognized what it is. It’s one of my dark blue dress shirts. I don’t wear it much anymore, which is why I must have missed it when going through my closet the other day. But there it is now. In Kamui’s hands. Washed, neatly ironed and a fucking glaring evidence for something I know I didn’t commit.


“Thank you for letting me wear this home, sempai,” Kamui’s saying still doing his best to act as coyly as possible. “Since my clothes were…uum…messy and all...”


Someone gives a small squeak behind me and I don’t really care to know who it is. I am mad. So mad, I can hardly think straight. How dare he?! How dare he do this to me?!


“But I washed and ironed it for you, sempai,” he continues. “And I know I’ll have to come back to your place to pick up my other clothes. I think I must have left it there…”


“Fuck off,” Duo suddenly says in a tone that sends chills down my spine. I’ve never heard him this angry before and although it’s a bad time to be saying this…I absolutely love it. Thank goodness he’s not buying into this act.


Kamui blinks and the smile disappears. Something hard and cold flickers in those green eyes for a moment – just a moment - but it’s quickly replaced with a look of hurt. “I just wanted to return this…” he begins meekly.


“You could have returned it to him in his office, if you’re so fucking adamant on being a goody two-shoes!” Duo flares angrily. “You didn’t have to come out here to announce it to the goddamn world!”


“Duo,” Trowa warns quietly but the long-haired boy’s too far gone in his anger to take notice of any of us now.


“You wanna act like a fucking prick about this? Then go take it someplace else! Sick fucks like you need to be locked up in a goddamn asylum and kept there for life!”


By now, the other students loitering about the grounds have all turned to our direction but Duo’s not budging a bit. I place a hand upon his arm to stop him and he shrugs it off, sparing me a cold glare as if daring me to stop him. Kamui for his part looks like he’s about to start screaming or crying in a second. He’s clutching my shirt to his chest and whimpering a little, seeming to shrink before Duo’s fury. In fact, mere inches separate the two boys now and I fear that Duo will really punch Kamui soon.


I have to stop this before it gets out of hand.


“Duo!” I say sharply forcing his attention towards me again. With a firm look, I try to appease his anger while nodding towards Mr. Hanoi, the History teacher who’s stomping towards us with a frown of displeasure on his features.


“Fuck it all, Heero,” he growls tightly before snatching the shirt away from Kamui’s lax grasp. “I’m sick of playing the nice guy!”


“What the hell’s going on here?!” Hanoi thunders. He’s also in charge of the tennis team and as you can imagine; he’s well built and strong enough to grab us in chokeholds or throttle us if he so wishes. “Didn’t you hear the bell for the next class?! Maxwell!”


Duo rolls his eyes and sighs. I can’t begin to imagine how many times he’s been called out for one thing or another. It’s like he almost expects it anytime a teacher’s nearby. “I didn’t do anything, sir…”


“He yelled at me!” Kamui suddenly cries out and much to our surprise, there are streams of tears falling down his cheeks. Anyone coming to the scene for the first time would assume we had beaten the poor kid or worse. However, Relena counters with a heated,


“That’s because you started it, you little jerk!”


While Hilde and Dorothy agree with firm nods of support.


Hanoi, it seems, will have none of that. “As upperclassmen, I expect you all to carry yourselves with proper decorum! Bullying freshmen is not tolerated… and you!” You happens to be me. “You of all people! I expected better from you, Yuy! Just because he’s your friend, you automatically assume he’s above the law?!”


“No one’s above the law, sir,” I say calmly, not betraying the irritation I feel at the way things are going.


“So?!” He bellows and I shake my head slowly, knowing exactly what he wants to hear.


“I will write up a report on the incident and submit it to your desk for consideration, sir,” I say tightly.


“I expect it no later than two o’clock, Yuy,” he retorts coldly. “And I expect everyone’s names in that report.” Everyone meaning the eight upperclassmen. Apparently, Kamui’s off the hook and that pisses me off.


“Mr. Teruo,” Hanoi’s saying in a gentler tone that’s a far cry from the harsh one he had used on us. “I apologize for what must have happened. You can be sure that it will never happen again.”


Wufei mutters beneath his breath something along the lines of ‘Ass kisser’ and that sends some of us stifling snickers.


“Something funny?” Hanoi asks, turning around to face us again, although we’ve all done our best to look as serious as possible. He glares at each of us for another long minute before resting his cold gaze on me. “Don’t forget, Yuy. On my desk. Two o’clock.”


“Yes, sir.”


Hanoi focuses his attention on Kamui, who’s sniffling and trying to wipe his eyes. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Teruo. Perhaps you’d like me to get you some…”


Duo suddenly makes a low kissing sound and it’s now taking all of my strength to hold back my laughter.  


Hanoi spins around quickly, his face now dark red with fury or embarrassment. “Who did that?!”


Neither of us say anything until I ask with feigned innocence. “Who did what, sir?”


“Don’t play coy with me, Yuy!” he bellows, coming closer to me to spray some of his spit in my face with each word he yells. “You know exactly what I’m talking about! Who made that sound?!”


“What sound? Are you sure you aren’t hearing things, sir?”


He opens and shuts his mouth for a few seconds, and I fear he’s going to burst a blood vessel soon. “That’s it. I have had it with you upperclassmen. Meet me after school on the track in your gym uniforms, do you understand?!”


The girls groan. “And no skipping out or your punishment will be ten times worse and that includes you, Yuy! You might be the president but if you don’t lead a good example, I’m afraid you’ll have to learn it the hard way!”


Great. So now I have a goddamn report to write as well as running around that Olympic-sized track after school under the blazing sun. Shit.


I manage to catch Kamui’s gaze as he’s being led away by Hanoi and there’s no mistaking the smug look of satisfaction in those eyes. He thinks he’s won this, doesn’t he?


“What I want to know is,” Dorothy says as the quartet soon disappear from sight. “What I want to know is how he got your shirt and what he means by his clothes being messy. When did this happen? You didn’t tell us that part, Heero.”


I didn’t tell you about that because I didn’t think it was that important. I glare at the shirt in Duo’s hands and shake my head. “Look, it doesn’t matter how he got it…”


“Does he have the keys to your place?” Wufei asks in confusion.


Did I forget to mention that I have the most persistent friends on the planet? They simply don’t know when to let things go. We should be worried about how Kamui’s getting the best of us now and instead…


“No he doesn’t.”


Quatre cuts in. “Then how did he get a hold of your shirt and all that talk about his clothes being at your place…unless there’s something you aren’t telling us, Heero.”


I glance at Duo but he only shrugs and seems to say ‘the ball’s in your court now’. Taking a deep breath, (and quite reluctantly mind you) I tell them about the incident at the restaurant and the events that led up to me being in Relena’s place. Again, I deliberately refrain from telling them about the scratch marks or the false accusation of supposed sexual acts taking place. I really don’t think they need to know that much.


“Ah, that makes sense now,” Trowa says with a light frown. “I hate to say this, Heero but you’ve definitely got to find a way to stop him or else…”


“You’re forgetting that he’s already got most of the teachers on his side,” Duo adds, reaching into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes but Hilde reaches for it quickly, causing him to frown at her in consternation.


“And who knows if the Principal’s not on his side either…” Relena says.


“Or the Buzzard,” Wufei says with a groan.


The Buzzard being Vice Principal Kentaro, whose car we once ‘borrowed’ in our junior year to visit Duo when he was sick. I don’t think I need to rehash the events that followed afterwards all over again.


“We don’t need the teachers,” I say quietly but firmly, as they all turn to me. I have to weigh my words carefully, to understand the enormity of what I have finally planned to do. “We can do this on our own without them ever knowing a thing. Slowly but surely, we’ll get him to break…and not by staring him down or yelling at him in public. That’s exactly what he wants and we won’t play into his little traps.”


I can see I have their undivided attention now. “Whatever club he’s in, he’s going to be given little to no rights in it and I don’t care how good he is or if he’s the key to them winning any of the upcoming events. However, you’ve got to use your connections to all the presidents – make friends with them if you have to – and make sure he gets no special treatment.”


“And if he notices a pattern and puts two and two together?” Quatre asks.


“We feign innocence or indifference. We have to make the presidents swear never to reveal anything to him. He cannot say I or any of us are responsible for it since he’ll have no proof. Everyone agreed with this?”


They nod solemnly. “It’s only one step guys,” I continue with a light stretch of my arms. “We haven’t won this thing yet, not by any means. Who knows what he can come up with next but until then…let’s not give him any reason to gloat.”


“Yeah, but he’ll be gloating at us this afternoon while we’re running around the track like a couple of freshmen,” Wufei growls in annoyance. “Geez, I had plans this afternoon!”


“We all had plans.” I don’t actually, well besides following Duo home to check out his new and improved bike before his mother shows up. “But this isn’t the time for us to worry about it. Let’s head off to class, all right? We’ll talk some more after school.”


They all nod reluctantly as we begin to make our way down the small hill and towards the looming school buildings. Not surprisingly, we are all silent, each of us lost in thought over what had just happened earlier.


Duo has to leave for Technology and gives me a quick and almost absent kiss at the corner of my mouth before turning away without a second look. I stare after him (Trowa later tells me that I had a longing look on my face then) for sometime, feeling a bit bereft at his absence. Call me paranoid or overly protective, but I now have the feeling that I should be with Duo all the time – every waking minute or second because of all this. Of course, if he realizes that, he’ll probably think I’ve gone crazy as well.


However, a new set of questions begin to spring to mind as I make my way towards Biology with Trowa in tow. For one thing, Kamui had met us just as we were talking about him.


Had he heard everything we were talking about?


How long had he been standing there?


Does he already know what we plan to do to him?


And what about his flippant response to Relena? It seemed like he had expected something like that to happen. Will my plan to deny him the pleasure of school life make a dent on him at all?


Someone nudges me and I start in surprise, only to realize that Lady Une had asked me a question. But as I scramble to find an answer, the my persistent doubts continue to plague me and all I can see is that smug look in those cool green eyes which continue to taunt me to do my very worst.





Locker Room:


I know I am definitely going to be sore in places I didn’t even know existed by the time I get home tonight. I peel out of my soaked t-shirt, now knowing why I deliberately refused to pick gym as an option for my final year. It’s not as if I don’t like participating in sporting activities…I just don’t enjoy doing them in school. I’ve had enough of dealing with sweaty boys and steamy public bathrooms over the years. It’s like the wet smell of damp socks and sweatpants never gets out of your system.


“See you tomorrow, Heero!” Wufei salutes as he dashes out of the room. He’s already done…actually he was the first to finish with his fifteen laps around the track. Trowa and Quatre have also left because they each got to do ten laps. The report I wrote for Hanoi pretty much exonerated them, but being the prick he is, he had no intention of letting them go so easily. The girls had to do five laps each and as for Duo…well he’s still out there because he flipped Hanoi the bird and the teacher caught it just in time. He was only more than happy to dish out the extra punishment to Duo.


Which meant two extra laps for him.


I step under the warm sprays of the shower and close my eyes, allowing the water to soak me completely. I’m very glad the school’s almost empty now, the only sounds coming from the few students who have club meetings or leaving from detention. But most importantly, I’m more than glad that I don’t have to share the showers with anyone else. It gives me the time to think and not to deal with the boisterous noises from boys willing to show each other how well endowed they are. Christ, the shit I have had to listen to over the years…


I stiffen - the hairs (wet as they are) at the back of my neck standing to attention as I sense someone else now in the showers with me. Unfortunately, I can’t turn off the water since I’ve still got soap in my eyes. But I begin to rinse it off quickly, feeling my heartbeat quickening with each breath I take as my skin continues to crawl in awareness. There’s no doubt about it. I am clearly being watched.


“Hello?” Why did I have to open my mouth?! But I can’t stop now. It’s best to let my watcher know that I’m on to him. “Duo? Is that you? Are you in here?”


But an eerie silence greets my question and holding my breath for another second or two, I begin to chide myself for being so paranoid. There is definitely no one in here. Or perhaps one of the janitors must have come in to clean the place and realized that someone was in the bathroom and then left again.


“Yeah, that’s it. Nothing to worry about,” I mumble, still doing the best I can to scrub my lathered hair as quickly as I can. I have to get the hell out of here or else…


A firm hand slaps itself upon my shoulder and my heart leaps into my throat. I get ready to either scream like a fucking girl or to throw my attacker to the ground when that familiar snicker fills my ear. My reaction is immediate.




Shit!! I can barely breathe and there he is still laughing like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever done. Of course it doesn’t help that I’m pressed against the wet tiles like a deer caught in headlights trying to catch my goddamn breath. I try to glare at Duo who’s standing in nothing but a white towel with his hair loosened and stuck to his forehead and shoulders like a second skin. It’s probably due to a combination of the sweat from his run and the steam in the room and despite my current state, I can’t help admiring how downright sexy he looks.


“Scared you, didn’t I?” he says with a wide grin. “Who did you think I was? Kaaaaamuuii?” He says the name in a spooky tone and I retaliate by tossing my sponge at him. He dodges, still laughing and moves closer to me – towel and all- to whisper against my lips. “Don’t worry. Your pretty boy’s not here.”


“What makes you so sure?” I say with a light stutter, trying hard to control my heart’s erratic beating. From fear to excitement in a matter of seconds…it’s a bit too much for one to take if you ask me. “Be…besides, your towel is getting wet.”


Yeah, great observation Heero. What a thing to say at a time like this…aah!


t ting against my growing erection. sure he'I groan and then bite my lower lip as Duo’s tongue begins to trace the wet outline of my jaw and neck. I arch into his caresses, my knees trembling from the pressure he’s exerting against my growing erection.


“God, you’re so fucking hot, Heero,” he says huskily as he wraps his arms around my waist tightly and pulls me closer to him, forcing our bodies to become one beneath the warm (it’s becoming a bit tepid now) water still raining down on us.


“Your…your band…ages…” I mutter within his mouth as our lips meet unable to stop the suffusion of color to my cheeks at his words. Me, hot? I doubt it. But hearing it from Duo…oh gods - tongues tasting, teeth biting, sucking hard on the soft flesh as our hips begin to move in simulation of a coupling we both really need.


“I’ll change it when I get home,” comes the slightly breathless reply. “Was almost…messed up…anyway…”


He slips a hand to my buttocks and squeezes a cheek hard causing me to gasp sharply with pleasure into his mouth. Finally finding good use for my hands, I begin to tug away the soaked and now heavy towel from his waist and within seconds our throbbing cocks are pressed against each other, our breathing becoming labored as the tepid stream of water is no match for the heat we are now generating between us.


My hand reaches for his erection and begins to stroke it firmly, our lips never breaking away from our fevered kiss. With a soft grunt, I switch our positions and shove Duo against the wet tiles, having to wrap an arm around his waist to stop him from sliding to the floor. I thrust a thigh between his legs and begin to grind against him swallowing his choked sob of acceptance within the kiss. Harder and faster we begin to move – our breathless sighs and moans of impending release getting lost within the sound of rushing water and…




What the fuck?!!


A douse of cold water couldn’t have separated us any faster. The bloodcurdling shriek had clearly come from the bathroom, barely a feet or two away,  and motioning quickly for Duo to stay put, I dash out – grabbing my towel along the way to wrap around my waist – and into the empty locker room. I am just in time to see the door swinging shut and begin to run as fast as I can to catch up to the culprit - not an easy thing to do since I’m still wet and the floor’s now a bit slippery. But on getting there and opening it, I peer down the corridor and see…no one. Not even a janitor cleaning up or a student wandering around. I could run towards the main gym but I don’t think showing up in a towel is going to help my case in any way.e wet outline of my jaw and neck. i s Duo' uck to his forehead and shoulders like a second skin. a .


However, I am shaken now, my entire being trembling with a cold that has nothing to do with the shower I had just taken. My heartbeat is racing madly, my mind filled with thoughts of who could have seen us. It’s no surprise that one name keeps coming up even though I keep telling myself that it’s not possible.


I walk into the locker room and swallow tightly as I watch Duo dressing up with quick movements that betray his agitation or fury or both. His hair’s still a damp and slightly tangled mess but he doesn’t seem to care at this point.


“Duo…” I begin not even sure of what the hell to say while knowing that any chance of us rekindling the fire in the shower is now non-existent.


“It was him, wasn’t it?” he says tightly as he slips into a t-shirt and tugs it down with more force than necessary. “It was that asshole, wasn’t it, Heero?!”


I can only nod softly. “I guess…”


“Goddamn it!” He slams a fist into a locker creating a dent that would be noticeable by the owner the next day. “I’m gonna kill him, Heero” he says flatly and my eyes widen at the venom in that tone.


“Duo…I don’t think…”


“And you’re not going to stop me either,” he says with a cold look that has me frozen in my tracks. “If you’re not going to step up to the plate and deal with him then I will. And to hell with the consequences! You have your precious reputation to protect so you’re worried about doing anything too dangerous, right?”


“You can’t harm him physically, Duo,” I begin with a light frown. “If you do…”


He smiles – a cold smile that leaves me feeling even more worried. “Ever wondered what really happened to my bike, Heero?”


/I had nothing to do with it. Duo sempai was careless and had it coming. /




“I’m going to deal with him myself, Heero,” Duo says reaching for his helmet with that grim smile still on his visage. “I’ll find him and we’ll have a little talk - just between the two of us.”


And without a second glance, he walks out of the locker room, his footsteps echoing down the empty hallway like an ominous sound within the eerie silence.





~End Period Ten~