Title 14:

Shattered Illusions:


My Apartment



I pace around the tiny kitchen, clutching the cordless phone to my ear while hoping that Duo wouldn’t have chosen tonight to turn his cell phone off. There’s a bitter taste in my mouth and it’s got nothing to do with the medicine I had taken last night. My heart is still thumping wildly even though the reason for it is currently passed out on my bed in deep slumber. However, sleep is the furthest thing from my mind now. I keep finding myself darting furtive glances at my front door fully expecting to hear a heavy or several heavy knocks (or rather poundings) from those men dressed in black. The entire situation is one that I definitely do not want to be in and at the moment, feelings of frustration, mild fear, worry and anger are all stirring within my mind, heart and stomach. I feel like hurling but I’ll have to hold it in.


After what seems like an eternity, Duo’s sleep-laden voice comes on the line. “Whaa…wassumarra, ‘eeoro?’” He sounds like he’s been drinking an entire bottle of cough syrup and I can almost imagine him lying naked in bed, hair tousled and eyes still half shut, while trying to make sense of my random midnight call. “Na inamood for durry phone sex tonigh’.”


“Trust me,” I correct him quickly, although it’s a bit hard not to smile at the notion of doing that. “Phone sex is the furthest thing from my mind right now. I’ve got a problem, Duo. A big problem.”


I hear the rustle of sheets in the background and know that he’s probably trying to sit up. “Whassa matter?” He yawns.


“Kamui’s in my apartment right now.”


For a long minute, the steady sound of Duo’s breathing fills my ear. I can almost see the sleep beginning to clear from his eyes as the sentence sinks in. “What was that again?” he asks, his voice much clearer now and slightly wary.


“I know. I can’t believe it myself but he’s here, Duo. He escaped from the hospital and is now in my apartment.”


There’s a muffled curse and the sound of more sheets rustling. “Are you being serious, Heero? You’re not bullshitting me?”


“Would I bullshit you in the middle of the fucking night? How do you think I felt seeing him standing out there?”


“How the hell did he escape?!”


I shrug and lean against the kitchen door, staring blindly at my front door. “I tried to ask him but he passed out before I could say anything else.”


“Jesus…” Duo goes into a colorful cursing spree as I wince at how crude his language has become. There’s really no shortage of dirty vocabulary in his repertoire is there?


“Dude…he can’t stay there. If they find out where he is…it’s going to be a whole lot more than just a smashed face and broken bones. They’ll kill us!”


I nod. That very idea’s been stuck in my head for a while now. I think I’ve already had visions of how mangled and unrecognizable my body would become once they are through with me.  “So what do you suggest I do?”


“Send him back! Wake him up and tell him to go back or you can drive…damn, you don’t have a car. Argh! This situation’s so fucked up already.”


I can now hear him pacing about in the background and I sigh and sink into a lone kitchen stool, closing my eyes and trying to gather my scattered thoughts about me. “As much as I long to do so, Duo…the kid’s terrified. You should have seen the way he looked…”


“Listen to me, Heero. This isn’t the time for you to start feeling sorry for him. Once they look in that room and see that he’s gone, they’ll start a manhunt like you’ve never seen before. Oh and guess what? They’re going to question the nurses and doctors there about his visitors and bam! Guess who’s gonna top their list? You and I, Heero! They’ve got my name and your name on record, thanks to the wonderful love fest with the bodyguards last night and they’re going to come hunting for him at your place first. We’re his supposed friends and you’ll be the target numero uno on their list!”


My fingers tighten around the phone as Duo’s words continue to pound incessantly in my head. He’s right and I know he’s right. Our visits to Kamui have turned out to be the worst thing that could possibly happen. They will look for him here…


“…I’m coming over to take him back to the hospital, Heero.”


“Duo…it’s almost two in the morning and we’ve got school in about six hours.”


“Heero,” he says firmly. “I’ll be there in half an hour. Tell him to wake up and I’ll drive him there.”


“On your bike?”


“I’ll borrow my mom’s car.”


“Won’t she wake up…?”


“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. See you in a few.”


He hangs up and I’m left staring at the phone like a moron. Sighing softly, I walk into my bedroom/living room to stare at the pale figure tucked beneath my blanket. The bandages have been removed from his face, but there are still faint scars from the injuries he received. His hair has grown a bit longer and almost covers his eyes as his warm breath lifts each strand from his forehead. I fall into the oversized black beanbag (a gift from Trowa) and close my eyes, trying to will some sleep, at least for a few minutes. But my head’s beginning to throb, the area above my injury pounding steadily and causing me to wince in pain.


I have to wake him up, I tell myself, but as I stare longer at him, I can’t get myself to do it. Goodness knows how long it must have taken him to get here or the big question – just how he had managed to escape the clutches of those men stationed outside his door. He couldn’t have jumped out of the window. He was on the sixth floor for crying out loud.


A particularly harsh pain within my head has me getting to my feet and paying a visit to my medicine cabinet. Selecting the painkillers prescribed by G, I take the necessary amount and trudge back to my room to keep watch. I sink into the beanbag again and close my eyes, allowing the medication to take its course. I just need a little sleep to take me away from this warped reality I live in…just a little nap and then I’ll wake up and wait for Duo to help me out of this mess…




The day couldn’t have been any more beautiful and breathtaking and we couldn’t have looked any more cooler in our graduation gowns. We all hold our diplomas in hands and laugh and drink on the school lawns with glee. But suddenly, the skies begin to darken and before long, a never-ending line of big burly men all dressed in black suits and sunglasses can be seen marching towards us. They are all holding rather large guns in their hands and soon begin to chant in a sonorous voice that sends chills down my spine. “You are not allowed to graduate,” they say, over and over again. They are coming too close and it feels as if they are sucking the air we long for, preventing us from breathing. They are going to smoother us and stomp all over all and worst of all, they are definitely not going to let me leave Fujisaki…ever!




I open my eyes quickly, sitting up with my t-shirt stuck to my back with sweat. Trying to control my harsh breathing, I glance at the clock quickly and realize that I’ve only been asleep for ten minutes. Christ. Whatever that medicine G prescribed to me, it’s extremely potent. I didn’t think I’d be knocked out that quickly. I look towards my bed and Kamui’s still fast asleep although the blanket’s slipped a little to show off his pale shoulder. Rising to my feet slowly, I tuck it around him again, watching those rose tinted lips part and mumble something before falling silent again. I begin to move back to my seat, only to start as I hear the firm knock on my door.


Although I know it’s Duo, it still doesn’t stop my heartbeat from quickening in a mixture of apprehension and yet undeniable relief.


“Duo?” I ask carefully, my fingers around the doorknob.


“No, it’s Santa Clause with an early Christmas gift,” he replies with a soft chuckle. “Open up man, I’m freezing my ass off here.”


I do as I’m told and at the sight of him, throw my arms around his neck and seize his lips in a kiss that’s short of bruising in its intensity. My jaw still aches a little, but I don’t care at this point. Knowing that this boy will always be by my side, makes my fears disappear in an instant. His tongue probes mine as he pushes me back into the apartment and kicks the door shut behind him with a firm click. Being careful not to hug me too tightly, he allows his hands to slide down my back and to my ass, causing me to moan as he begins to knead it gently. Ah! If only we didn’t have someone else around, goodness knows I would have loved to finish this foreplay with Duo lying somewhere with my cock stuck so deep within him...


“Jesus!” Duo suddenly cries out as he pulls away from me. “What the fuck…what the hell are you doing?!”


It takes me a second to realize that he’s looking at someone behind me and as I turn around quickly, my skin crawls at the sight of the pale-looking boy wrapped in my blanket with a rather forlorn look on his visage. Way to go, Kamui. You always did know how to make an entrance.


“You don’t just go about sneaking up on people like that!” Duo continues, his shock wearing off to be replaced with mild irritation.


“I’m sorry, sempai,” Kamui begins in a small voice. “I just heard the sounds of the door…and the cold and woke up…”


“Yeah, well save it,” Duo interrupts with a wave of his hand. “Now, where’s the rest of your stuff? I’m taking you back to the hospital.”


Those green eyes widen like a frightened deer and he begins to shake his head rapidly. “Please…please don’t take me back there, sempai! I don’t want to go back there!”


“Look as much as we’d like to…”


But Kamui isn’t listening. He’s turned to face me now, those wide eyes now shimmering with tears. “You promised I could stay, Heero sempai! You can’t make me go back! I’ll die! I’ll…I’ll kill myself!”


Duo groans and slaps a hand against his forehead, before reaching out to touch Kamui’s shoulders. “Now listen here…”


“Don’t touch me!” he shrieks in a voice that’s near hysterical. “I’m serious! I’m going to kill myself!”


Before either of us can blink, he takes off for my kitchen and soon enough the sounds of him rummaging through my cupboards and drawers breaks me out of my semi-trance like state. I run into the kitchen, just in time to see him pulling out a long meat carver. The blanket he had used to cover himself has fallen to the floor and standing in that white hospital gown with his hair as golden as it is…good grief! He looks like a walking ghost!


“I’ll do it!” he’s still shrieking as he holds the knife to his throat. “Don’t come any closer! I’d rather die than go back there! I’m not going!”


“No!” I yell, and watch in horror as he pricks his skin a little. The thick glob of red against his pale flesh sends my stomach churning in revulsion. “For goodness sake, Kamui, put the goddamn knife down and let’s talk!”


He shakes his head, backing away slowly, until he can’t move any further. The refrigerator’s right behind him and his eyes now seem to be taking up his face as he stares at me. “You promised, Heero sempai! You promised!”


The last thing I need is some suicidal maniac messing up my kitchen with his blood. I steal a quick glance at Duo, who nods softly at my silent motion. Since Kamui’s so focused on me, Duo will have the chance to catch him by surprise. Let’s just hope that this plan does work.


“Kamui…listen to me,” I begin carefully, walking towards him slowly with my arms outstretched as if welcoming a hug from him. “Why don’t you put the knife down and we’ll talk, okay? Killing yourself isn’t going to solve the problem and besides, why would you want to do that? You’ve got…” I was going to say friends, but I’m not sure if that’s right in this situation. “…you’ve got Duo and I here…”


“But you want to take me back there!” he screams and Duo flinches while a neighbor’s dog begins to bark. I’m surprised no one else has come running to my front door demanding for the noise to stop. Kamui’s pretty damn loud and it’s beginning to aggravate my already short temper. I glance towards Duo again, and notice that he’s almost reached the psychotic teen. Okay, now I have to really focus on Kamui to distract him from imminent capture.


“Why don’t you want to go back?” I ask quietly. “What’s so wrong with…being back home?”


Suddenly he laughs – a wild, hoarse and bitter sound that has Duo and I exchanging a worried look. The knife trembles in his hands and he falls to his knees with a sickening thump. His long hair falls over his eyes, hiding them from view and still he continues to laugh, a sound which makes me wonder if he’s about to lose his mind.


“What home?” he finally says thickly. “I don’t have a home.”




“He came and all he could say was what an embarrassment I was.” He chokes back a harsh sob. “The nurses had told him the truth about my ‘condition’ and he almost slapped me in there. He was so mad. He said I was just like my mother…always inviting trouble wherever I go because she’s a slut and I’ll end up becoming just like her.”


I hiss in a sharp breath, but Duo’s face is still and rather expressionless. I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking right now.


“He says he’s going to take me away today and I don’t want to go.” His sobs grow louder and he wipes his eyes quickly, knife and thoughts of cutting himself now forgotten. “He’ll move me to another state and to another school and all I want…I just want to be a normal student and he won’t let me! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I never want to have a dad! I wish I didn’t have a dad!”


The slap was so sudden that it sent both I and the receiver into shocked silence. Kamui’s left cheek now has a faint imprint of Duo’s palm and his wide green eyes couldn’t get any wider as they stare at the older boy in disbelief. Duo’s jaw works for a second. It looks as if he wants to say something but the words can’t quite come out.


“Du…Duo?” I call out tentatively. “Are you…are you okay?”


“Do you know how many nights I’ve sat up in bed wishing the same thing for my own father?” he finally says quietly. “Do you know how many times I’ve had to deal with lies and betrayal just because no one wanted me? I was an orphan, kiddo…still am if you must know. Although my mother’s returned and my father’s having a blast populating the country with his seed, for sixteen years, kid, I didn’t have anyone. I had to make it on my own and I got to see what real life was all about.”


He sighs and falls to his knees beside the younger boy, and to my surprise, reaches out to cup Kamui’s cheeks gently. I feel a slight pang in my chest, but try not to associate it with jealousy. Kamui needs this talk. I’m not the person to give it to him. I’ve always had a loving father and mother by my side, how would I know what these two boys have gone or are going through? However, it still doesn’t stop me from feeling as if I’m outsider butting into this rather private and somewhat intimate scene.


“There’s no doubt you’ve been through a lot of shit yourself, kid,” Duo’s saying, his thumbs brushing away the boy’s tears gently. “However, you’ve got to remember that you sorta brought this on yourself as well. Maybe if you hadn’t started out being a jackass towards Heero and me…maybe things would have been a bit different. You wouldn’t have gone crying like a spoiled brat and gotten yourself…in trouble…and you wouldn’t have ended up in the hospital to deal with daddy and his issues.”




“The bottom line is that those things have happened and it’s in the past. What we’ve got to worry about now is the future. What do you want to make of your life now, huh? You want to keep running away from Daddy? You’ve got to learn how to speak up. If you can come to Heero with shit about threatening him…then I’m sure that mind of yours can blackmail daddy into making you stay at Fujisaki.”


Huh? Blackmail?! Is Duo being serious here?!


Kamui – who by the way, looks completely entranced with Duo at this point and no, I’m not growling in jealousy either – asks softly, “But what…what can I do?”


“For starters…how did you get out of the hospital?”


“Well…” He lowers his lashes and looks slightly embarrassed. “It’s a slightly long story. Do you remember that little door beside the bathroom?”


I furrow my brow in thought. “Yeah, it’s like one of those laundry chute things that you see in hotels…”


Suddenly, it dawns on us and we can only gape at the blond who’s now wringing his hands together as if ashamed of doing something that…drastic and stupid.


“Well…you’ve gotta give the kid some credit,” Duo says with a slight shake of his head. “Anyone who can suffer being in stinky laundry gets my vote. So what happened next?”


Still blushing furiously, Kamui continues. “It was a tight fit but I managed to stay in the basket long enough until it was time for the nurse to come take them away. See, I had timed everything. I knew when she’d be around and that was a few minutes after your scuffle with the guards.”


Scuffle? Please. “Ah, so you heard everything,” I say tightly, wondering why I’m feeling pissed off at the thought. Was I hoping that he would have rescued us or something? How ridiculous.


He nods and glances at my injuries. “I’m really sorry, sempai. I couldn’t do anything. They’d have used me as a punching bag…although daddy wouldn’t let them touch me.”


Duo rolls his eyes and I try not to snicker. “Anyway,” Kamui continues oblivious to our actions. “She finally picked up the laundry and began the rather terrible ordeal of taking me to the laundry rooms beneath the hospital. She kept complaining about how heavy it was and I was almost afraid she’d discover me. When she finally came to a stop, I noticed that we were next to an exit and there were trucks carrying fresh linen and towels and stuff like that into the hospital. Seeing that the coast was clear, I slipped out and hid in one of them until it was time to move. I wasn’t sure of where their main office was, but I certainly hoped and prayed it wouldn’t be too far away.”


“Dumbass,” Duo chides gently. “You could have been taken to the other end of town!”


“I know,” Kamui agrees with a small nod. “But the guys stopped for a quick delivery to a convenience store and that was how I was able to escape. I had to walk all the way from Preston to your place, sempai.”


“It’s a miracle no one stopped you while looking like that.” I point towards his hospital gown. “That’s got to be the stupidest thing you’ve done yet.”


“I’m…I’m sorry…”


“Bottom line,” Duo cuts in. “You can’t stay here with Heero, understand? We’re already in deep shit with your father and if they get wind of you here…think of the consequences.”


Kamui stiffens and as if by some sort of telepathic understanding, Duo kicks away the knife with a foot. I watch it slide all the way to the door before focusing my attention on them again.


“But…I don’t want to go, sempai…” he whimpers.


“You’ve got to stand up to him, Kamui,” I say firmly, beginning to lose my patience. “Just use all your persuasive skills to convince him otherwise.”


“I’ve tried!” he wails pitifully. “Honestly, I have, but he won’t listen to me! My dad’s just so…”


He hitches in another harsh sob and to my even greater surprise; Duo pulls him within his arms in a tight embrace. That feeling of being left out overwhelms me again and I have to bite my lower lip to control that ugly head of jealousy threatening to reveal itself.


“I think…I think I know of a way to keep you in school, if you want to stay,” I say with a light shrug while thinking fast. I’m inwardly pleased as they both pull apart to stare at me in anticipation. “I’m not sure if it will work, but if you promise to go back to the hospital with Duo, I’ll try to get a petition or something signed for you.”


“Eh…a petition?” Duo asks with a wary look. “Who…?”


“Everyone,” I say with a small smile. “If all the students and teachers write or sign a gigantic banner saying that they want Kamui to stay…even daddy’s got to take notice.”


“Dude…are you serious?!” Duo laughs in excitement. Even Kamui looks dazed at the thought.


“I’m not the president for nothing,” I reply but frown as I meet Kamui’s gaze which is now filled with gratitude. “But you’ve got to understand one thing, Kamui. If the entire school is willing to do something like this for you, you’ve got to pay them back in some way or form.”


He nods slowly, biting his lower lip in thought. “What do I have to do, sempai?”


“I want you to become more active in school affairs. Join more clubs, make more friends…”


“Yeah,” Duo says with a smile. “There’s this guy that keeps asking about you. What’s his name again, Heero?”


Kamui blushes darkly and lowers his head while mumbling something we can’t quite hear. I smile softly. “Yes, him too. And most importantly, I want you to run for president of the first years.”


“HUH?!” comes the simultaneous cry from both Duo and Kamui. I would laugh at how comical their expressions look but I don’t think its best at this time.


“No one will vote for me!” Kamui cries out in shock, but there’s no denying the excitement in his eyes. There’s a definite change in his body language that’s quite good to see.


“What are you talking about?” Duo says with a wide grin. “Did you know your president here was the most boring person in school at one time?”




“Did you know that he was also one of the most loathed guys and didn’t have a single friend?”


“Duo…!” I growl and cuff him on the head gently. Kamui giggles while Duo tries to glare at me.


“Anyway, the point is, you have to work at being liked or popular,” I continue. “Meet everyone, talk to them, hang out, join clubs, go to any school event and before you know it…”


“You’ll be more popular than you ever wished you could be,” Duo finishes with a firm nod. “And with me as your mentor, you can’t go wrong.”


Mentor? Who says you’re his mentor?” I ask a bit sharply.


“Jealous?” He replies with a smirk as they rise to their feet.


“You wish,” I say with a snort and then to my chagrin and slight embarrassment, Duo leans close to place a firm but thorough kiss on my lips. I pull away quickly, trying to glare as he laughs. I steal a look at Kamui to gauge his reaction, a part of me still wary about showing my affection for Duo in front of him. Instead, he smiles softly and takes a deep breath.


“Does this mean you and I have no shot of being a couple, Heero sempai?”


“Not unless you have a death wish,” Duo replies, ruffling his blond locks gently. “All right, Heero. I’ll take this here boy back to the hospital. Hopefully no one will notice he’s been missing for too long.”


We help him into his housecoat and slippers and before long; I’m leaning against the door, watching them walk down the stairs and towards Eleanor’s brand new convertible. It’s a black sleek machine that seems fitting for the woman. Kamui turns back to face me and lifts a hand in a wave.


“Arigatou, sempai!”


“No problem,” I reply with a light wave of my own and catch Duo’s softly blown kiss in my direction. Trying not to blush at the intimacy of that act, I nod in acknowledgement and watch until they settle in and drive out of the compound. For several long minutes, I remain outside watching, realizing for the first time that I’ve never really seen my apartment complex this peaceful and quiet before. It’s about two-thirty in the morning and only the faint sound of a dog barking in the distance fills the lonesome and slightly chilly morning. Many of the lights are off but still a few windows have a faint hue of color within them.


I wonder what people dream while the rest of the world moves around them in a never ending circle of activity. To think that just minutes ago, a boy would have killed himself on my kitchen floor and yet they sleep…it’s enough to make one wonder. But as I shut my door and climb into bed…


(Damn, Kamui’s scent is all over the place)


…or rather grab a futon to lay on the floor, I close my eyes and allow myself to fall into the dark realm where fantasy and reality merge to become one. There’ll be no need for G’s medication this time around. It’s definitely going to be the best sleep I’ll have in a while.






Fujisaki High School

Wednesday, 9.30am:


Quick rundown of what happened last night according to Duo.


  1. He did drop off Kamui, but just at the hospital gates. He didn’t want to go into the building for fear of being questioned or harassed by the doctors or worse, the ugly big guys.
  2. Duo got home to find his mother wide awake and pissed off as hell. In other words, he was grounded and has to use the bus for a week. You can imagine his mental state of anguish at not having access to his precious motorbike.


All in all, things turned out pretty okay on that front and I’m glad for that. I have so much to deal with at the moment and one of them includes having to put up with my new ‘popular’ status. I swear if anyone stares at me one more time, I think I’m going to kill someone. All day it’s been ‘What happened to you, Heero?’ or ‘Holy crap! Did you get into a fight?!’ or ‘Daaaamn! You look like shit!’ Relena almost screamed her head off and I had to suffer Trowa and Quatre’s (separately of course) intense scrutiny of my wounds.


As if my morning couldn’t be any better, I get to hear this…


“Geez, you and Duo are really beginning to take this exploration thing in bed a bit too far, aren’t you?”


“What you need is a good lay, Wufei,” I reply dryly as I pick out a cold soda from the vending machine. I’ve decided not to tell anyone about the fight at the hospital. One, no one knows what Kamui’s in for anyway and I doubt they’ll believe we got harassed by a couple of bodyguards at a hospital of all places. Hn, they can speculate as much as they want.


“Maybe I do,” Wufei replies enigmatically as I watch him carefully over the rim of the soda can. “I saw Nia this morning on the way to school.”


Oh oh. Here it comes. I brace myself for whatever’s to come next while hoping I won’t have to listen to long and winding one-sided conversations about the girl. But all he does is shrug and sink his hands into the pockets of his pants. “She’s got a new boyfriend now.”


I blink in surprise at the news, not sure of what to say at first. “Wo…wow…that was fast,” I finally say quietly as I take another swig of my drink. “No anger? Irritation? Feel like ramming a fist down his throat?”


He laughs a little and shakes his head. “It’s cool…I think. I dunno. I’m just…” He frowns and shifts his foot from one side to the other. “Will you be frank with me, Heero? I mean we’ve been friends for a while, right?”


“Yeah…” I wonder where he’s going with this.


“Would you…would you be mad if I hung out with Duo for the weekend?”


I feel something cold and heavy fall in the pit of my stomach at the question but instead I manage a smile and ask lightly. “What do you mean?”


“Well…” He scratches the back of his neck and looks uncomfortable. “I have this conference for young Chinese entrepreneurs coming up this Saturday…”


“Duo’s got a game on Saturday,” I interrupt, not meaning to sound too curt but I think he’s noticed anyway.


“Look, I just suggested it to him and he said it would be fine,” Wufei says with a light frown. “I just wanted someone to go with me. I usually hate attending these boring meetings alone and because I’m graduating soon, my dad says I’ve got to go.”


“So why didn’t you ask me?”


“You’re working on Saturday, remember?”


“Oh.” Shit. I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all. But why? It’s not as if anything’s going to happen. They’re just going to some boring meeting that’s all.


Duo and Wufei…


I eye my friend again, knowing that a part of me has always found him damn attractive and Duo would be a fool not to have noticed as well. But then again, Wufei’s not into guys so it’s cool. It has to be cool!


“Heero…if you don’t want him to come I’ll just tell him…”


“No, no, it’s fine,” I say quickly, with a pat on his back. “You two go on and have fun, okay? And make sure you tell me all the juicy details when you return, hmm?”


My smile feels too wide and my jaw’s beginning to ache again. Wufei’s staring at me with a cautious look in his eyes.


“Heero…are you sure?”


I nod firmly. “It’s fine, Wufei. I trust you…and Duo. So what’s the big deal? Anyway, I’ve got to go find out how Relena’s doing with the banner I told her to make. You’ll sign it though, right?”


He smiles and his face becomes even more handsome than ever. Shit.


“If you say so, then I will,” he replies and then stretches his arms above his head revealing a tantalizing but brief view of his torso. “Thanks a lot for the permission, so to speak. I’ve been worried about that all day. See you around!”


Yeah, I think to myself as I watch him walk away before getting lost in a crowd of third year students. I barely feel the soda can being crushed within my grasp.


There’s nothing to worry about…nothing at all.



~End Period Fourteen~




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