Title: School Tales (Senior Year #1) – Welcome back, Maxwell

Pairings: Predominantly 1x2x1

Warnings: AU, Heero POV, angst, humor, sap, fluff, shounen-ai/yaoi

Ratings: R

Archive: http://www.kiyasama.com/gundamwing.htm

Disclaimers: Main characters are properties of Bandai and Studio Sunrise. I make no money off them.

Notes: Second main arc to the ‘School Tales’ saga. A big thank you for all your support and encouragement through this story so far. Let the shenanigans and chaos begin.





Monday, 7.30am

Fujisaki High School


It seems like an ungodly hour to be here, but part of my new duties as president require I show up before anyone else. Of course, mentioning that my predecessor hardly kept to this rule seems pointless now as I intend to be an exemplary figure for new and returning students. Zechs Merquise was obviously notorious for showing up late most of the time. However, as I walk down the long hallways, I cannot help but appreciate and admire the changes that have occurred over the summer. Many of the walls have been repainted (the hallway leading to the Art Department have breathtaking murals from famous artists and I hear some of the students had participated in this rather daunting project), more lockers have been installed, newer and more state-of-the art gym equipment and the Music Department could brag of new instruments for their students.


The auditorium has also undergone a few changes as well. There are more chairs (according to the Principal, we are expecting over 150 freshmen and several hundred more transfer students in the new school year) to seat our growing population. There is a special section now created for the teachers on the left side of the Great Hall which means they would no longer have to sit behind the Principal during speeches anymore. The once dark blue velvet curtains which usually cover the stage has been changed to a beautiful rich burgundy that seems more fitting now. The podium has been rebuilt with heavy mahogany and it looks even higher and more magnificent than ever before.


The classrooms haven’t changed much except for new chalkboards which have been installed. Many of the Science Labs do have new equipment but basically remain the same. I am glad to see that the once derelict section of our school bathrooms – if you would remember it was where I had once hidden to please myself…no thanks to a certain someone, but that’s beside the point now. Those bathrooms have been repainted and look pristine, but I have no doubt that in less than a few weeks, the delinquents will have converted it into a miniature version of hell. I worry about the innocent freshmen that will be dragged in there for their sadistic pleasures.


“Good morning, kaichou!” I blush faintly at the greeting, having to remember that I shouldn’t really be surprised by the title. I am the president after all. I nod towards my vice-president, again reluctantly admiring how much better he looks.


He gives me a flat folder. “The names of all the freshmen coming in this year,” Kenzo explains as we begin to make our way towards our office. “They are all top scorers in the entrance exams and no doubt a very well-rounded bunch.”


“There’s got to be a few bad apples in the lot,” I murmur. None of the names I read sound familiar. “We’ve just got to be careful this year that’s all. I really do not want to have to deal with detentions or expulsions in the first few months.”


He nods in agreement and holds open the door for me. For a moment, I’m not really sure of what I’m seeing but the sound of party horns and confetti flying in my face jerks me out of my dazed stupor.


“Welcome, Mr. President!”


Why it’s most of my staff members including Relena, Hilde, Dorothy…and the guys! -- With one noticeable exception of course. But I’m hardly given the time to think about his absence as I am soon engulfed in crushing hugs and exuberant pats on the back. When had they planned all of this?! There’s even a huge cake on my desk with the words ‘Congratulations Heero’ on it and as I am forced to blow out the candles, I cannot help wishing that someone else was here to share in the excitement.


My friends seem to have sprouted an inch taller over the holidays as well and I swear some of them have been working out too! Quatre’s hair is much longer now – no, not as long as Duo’s, but long enough to be made into a ponytail like Wufei’s. His skin has taken on a golden hue, a far cry from his usual pale countenance. Trowa looks the ‘strongest’ of us all and I’m sure it has something to do with his training at the Corps. Although, still slender in build, there is no doubt that he hides a rather broad chest beneath that jacket. He has trimmed his hair a little (thank goodness) and just looks…good all around. Wufei, I had already seen after my return from my summer home, so I already have a good idea of how much he has changed over the break.


However, the most shocking change of all has to be from Relena. Her infamous long hair and signature ponytails are no longer in place. In fact, she and Hilde can brag about having the very same hairstyle now! Yes, Relena has chopped it all off and I’ll have to admit she looks quite cute with the short hair-do. It seems to bring out her features a bit more and although she looks a trifle bit tomboyish, I think it suits her strong personality quite well. Dorothy and Hilde haven’t changed much, besides sporting new tans and looking quite fit. Their trip around the Orient had been a great success and they can’t stop talking about it.


I guess I should take the time to describe just what I meant by my ‘office’. You see, we do have a classroom where we usually meet for meetings during the week, but the school president has always had his own ‘special’ room where all important documents are kept. There’s a huge desk with the school’s emblem on its front and a computer already set for my use. Behind me is a large window with a view to the Art Building, tennis courts and the gardens. The school flag hangs over it and once you step into the room, the entire ensemble can be quite intimidating to the newcomer. Two couches flank either side of a low coffee table in the middle of the room and shelves had been erected around the room with tons of books – some of which I have never seen or read before in my life – adorn it. Of course there are the file cabinets which house important documents for my attention only. There is a special phone where I can receive calls directly from the principal in case of an emergency and also the microphone which is used for special announcements to the students. In fact, this room is everything a young leader could ever need and as I sink into my rather comfortable seat, I survey my domain with pride.


“Have a bite, Heero.” Relena pushes a small plate of the vanilla and chocolate concoction towards me and I accept it with a smile. I can already see students beginning to stream into the school grounds and I remember that I have to give a speech this morning after the principal’s welcome address.


“So he didn’t make it on time after all,” Trowa says quietly. I don’t need to look at him to know just who he’s talking about and I try to hide the rising sensation of disappointment within me. “We left him an email telling him about the surprise party.”


“Maybe he just hasn’t had the time to read it,” I reply as I force myself to take another bite of the sweet dessert. The laughter in the room is beginning to give me a headache and I entertain the thought of telling them to leave me alone in peace.


“Or maybe he’s just being an asshole,” Wufei chimes in as he sits on the edge of the desk. He is staring out of the window and doing a good job of ignoring us while listening in as well. It’s funny. Our gazes are focused on other things and yet we are all talking about the same guy.


Quatre sits beside Trowa and finishes up the orange soda in his paper cup before replying quietly. “He’ll come back. We should just give him some time that’s all.”


“Yeah, but how much time?” Wufei asks impatiently. “He doesn’t think Heero’s going to wait for him forever, does he?”


“And he had better not stay away for too long or he’ll be expelled from school or made to stay back a year,” Trowa added causing me to clench my fork tightly. That’s right. If a student did not return in time for the school year or missed a certain amount of days from classes, he was either made to repeat another year in school or expelled. Shit.


“What’s with all the somber looks?” Dorothy asks in that loud voice of hers which has everyone’s attention now trained on us. “Aren’t you supposed to be smiling, Mr. President?”


You know, there are times when I think Dorothy hates my guts for reasons still unknown to me. I mean, I’ve been nothing but nice to her and yet she still finds ways to get on my nerves. I open up my mouth to say something witty but the low sound of bells chiming reminds us of just where we are.


“Oh crap! We should have been in the main hall welcoming the students!” Relena cries out. I glance at the clock. Almost eight-twenty. We’ve been too busy partying to pay much attention to what we should have been doing. I am already failing my first major duty as president. With a quickness that surprises me, my staff clears up the remnants of our impromptu celebration quickly. The leftover cake is wrapped up and hidden in a cabinet and in less than three minutes, it looks as if nothing had ever taken place in the room.


When we get to the main lobby, I try to avoid meeting the Vice-Principal’s piercing stare of disapproval as I stand before the large staircase with a smile on my features. I catch Wufei, Trowa and Quatre’s grins as they wave at me from the opposite side of the room. I nod in acknowledgement, glad that they are there to support me. Kenzo, Relena and Dorothy along with other members of the Student Council have stationed themselves around the hallway. Our job is to welcome all the students and to usher them straight to the auditorium for the assembly. I cannot help smiling at the confused, nervous and scared faces of the freshmen as they walk into the main hall. I can remember how nervous and scared I had felt when stepping into Fujisaki for the first time. I try to look at each face, to see who I could entrust as student president for the first years. Although the main election is still weeks away, I will need to know who to trust and to give such a huge responsibility.


But even as I stare at each face, answering their questions and doing my best to make them feel comfortable, I cannot help searching for that familiar face of his. Every boy or rather every long-haired boy (and there aren’t that much to be honest) that steps through the door is subject to my intense scrutiny. I keep telling myself that he’ll show up sooner or later. He’ll definitely be in the next group of students waltzing into school. He’s got to be. But as the nine o’clock hour approaches and only a few students are beginning to run towards the building – obviously not wanting to be late – I can feel my hopes dwindling faster than a rolling stone down a hill. It’s now taking a great effort to maintain my polite smile and the urge to scream in frustration at something…anything! Is quite overwhelming. I remind myself that he had made no real promises to begin with. And although I had pleaded with him to make it to school on time, he had told me to wait and see.


Damn you, Duo…


“Yuy?” The firm hand on my shoulder snaps me awake from my reverie and I notice that I’m now left with the Vice-Principal. All of the students are now in the auditorium and as I watch the doors to the school begin to close, I fight the need to tell them to leave it open. One more person’s left. He’s just running a tad bit late. But to my dismay, it doesn’t happen that way. I am led to the bustling assembly and I take my seat beside the Vice-Principal in the staff section. I can see my friends all the way at the back and wave at them…only to place my hand down quickly as I notice the disapproving looks thrown my way from the teachers. Man, being good all the time is going to be much harder than I imagined.


A hush falls over the crowd as the Principal takes the podium. He begins with his speech, welcoming the new students and talking about the long standing tradition of Fujisaki. I lower my head and eye my flashcards quickly, trying to remember the most important parts of my own speech. I plan to make it quick and straight to the point. There’s no need to bore the students with even more talk.


I hardly pay attention as the teachers rise around me and it’s only when I’m nudged by Mrs. Kawashima, the Math teacher, am I aware that the Principal’s announcing us to the students. I stand up quickly and bow like the rest, now feeling my palms get a little sweaty as I realize my moment in the spotlight is at hand. During the rousing applause for the freshmen – they too had been told to stand up – I happen to take a quick and almost absent glance towards the back of the hall and feel my heartbeat cease for a moment as the door begins to open up slowly. Someone is sneaking in, there’s no doubt about it. And as I hold my breath, hoping and praying it will be him, my name is announced and I am forced to focus my attention on stage again.


Swallowing tightly, and on feet that suddenly feel heavy, I walk towards the podium, accepting the boisterous round of applause that heralds me. I glance towards the door again, but it’s closed and for a second I assume that everything had just been a figment of my overactive imagination. I swallow my disappointment again and begin to speak once the crowd has fallen silent.


I begin with the obvious – welcoming the freshmen and then the returning students. I begin to warm up a bit more, feeling my nerves settle down as I outline our council’s plans for the school year. Knowing I have to maintain eye contact with the students, I turn my gaze to the senior section and immediately falter as I meet familiar violet depths.


No…just…just my imagination…


I shake my head softly and continue as best as I can – but damn if my heartbeat isn’t beginning to race a bit faster as I wonder if I had actually seen Duo in the crowd or if I was again wishing for the impossible.


“…and so with these new rules in place, I hope we can work towards…” I make the mistake of looking towards that direction again and now there’s really no doubt about it. He’s whispering or rather Quatre’s leaning towards him and when he smiles at whatever the blond has said there is no denying that it is Duo. He has come back and on the first day too!


“Uum…Yuy?” Someone hisses and I blink in confusion before turning to face the scowling visage of the Principal. “Continue with your speech,” he mutters around a tight smile.


Oh yes! My speech!


Shit…where was I?!


I know I’m beginning to look a bit lost up here and several murmurs begin in the crowd but damn it! I’m feeling so giddy with happiness that it’s pretty much ridiculous to assume that anyone could understand what I’m going through right now. I struggle very hard not to look in Duo’s direction anymore because the urge to run up to him is too much to bear. Gritting my teeth, I nearly rush through the rest of my speech and end it with the fight cry of our school.  My enthusiasm seems to be infectious for everyone cries out along with me. They rise to their feet and give a thunderous applause, but they might as well have been clapping for a zombie for my mind is still filled with anticipation and my gaze is still trying to catch Duo’s.


The assembly is finally over and I immediately begin to make my way towards my friends, but the Principal hails me and I groan in dismay. Just what I need – to have another never-ending meeting with the staff. I gaze longingly at my classmates walking out of the all. Duo has his arms around Wufei and Trowa’s shoulders and they seem to be laughing over something. Damn it all!


Torture is having to stand beside old geezers talking about things that barely make sense to you. Torture is knowing that the one you’ve not seen in person for almost three months is just within your reach and yet you cannot touch him. Torture is being shoved with paperwork before the first period begins and as I am finally released from the meeting from hell, I all but run towards my office to get rid of it as quickly as I can.


I have to stop and help several lost freshmen along the way and by the time I get to my sanctuary, the hallways are nearly empty as everyone’s already beginning their first classes for the day.


“Fuck, fuck!” I shove the papers into the drawers quickly, ignoring Kenzo and his concerned look. I really have no idea what classes Duo’s taking for the term but we are still in the same homeroom so that’s going to be of great help. I can see him in class then. Tossing my textbooks into my bag, I fly out of the room, with a quick instruction to Kenzo to lock the door behind him, and make my way towards class 3-A.


“No running in the hallways, Yuy!” Someone cries out and I force myself to stop as I face Hilde’s grinning visage. “What’s this? I have to give the president a slip for breaking the rules already?”


“Come on, Hilde,” I begin, not really in the mood to talk to her at the moment, but the rest of my words falter as I notice the very boy I’m looking for walking outside! What’s he doing?! Shouldn’t he be in class?!


“I’m sorry, Heero,” Hilde was saying as she brought out her notebook. “As a part of the…hey! Where are you going?! Heero!”


I’m already breaking more than enough rules for one morning. I’m going to miss homeroom class because of you, Duo! I run outside and around the building and come to a sudden halt. Duo’s nowhere to be found. I could have sworn I had seen him walk this way. I begin to retrace my steps, wondering if I had run too far ahead. I end up running all the way towards the gym and still there’s no sign of him!


“Yuy?” It’s Mr. Hamida for Biology. I have signed up for his class and I know I have him for my next period but there’s no time to stand around and chat. “Shouldn’t you be in…?”


But I’m already running past him and towards the outdoor basketball courts but besides a few students warming up around the track, I do not see my elusive friend anywhere. DAMN IT!


I sink into a nearby bench and lower my head, trying to gather some air into my burning lungs. If anyone had told me I’d be running a marathon this morning, I would have worn better shoes or at least my sneakers. I wipe the sweat off my brow and moan softly, again wondering if I wasn’t seeing things or if I had assumed he was outside to begin with. I’m so stupid. So eager to see him again that I think of the most ridiculous things.


“Duo…” I whisper softly. “Where are…?”


“Damn…wasn’t out here after all. I could have sworn I left my notebook on that bench.”


Du…Duo?! I lift my head quickly, almost giving myself whiplash as I finally meet his amused but oh-so familiar gaze. He’s standing several feet away from me, hands in the pockets of his pants with legs slightly apart. I can see that the trip around Europe has made him a bit different. He, too, has added an inch or two to his height. His shoulders look a bit broader and I’m not sure if his hair has grown even longer or not for his braid seems to be kissing his rear now. I could have sworn it was only to his waist the last time. His skin is slightly darker, obvious from spending much time in the sun. It helps to make his already brilliant eyes seem even brighter and more breathtaking.


Dear god…I can’t breathe. I’m itching – literally itching to touch him. Damn, but it’s been far too long.


He takes a step towards me and I rise to my feet, unable to stop staring for fear that he’s only just another apparition and that if I take a step towards him, he’ll only disappear.


“What’s this?” he teases and I can hear the slight tremble in his voice as well. “No hugs for me, Heero?”


The way he calls my name – that slight accentuation on the ‘e’ that seems as if he’s testing its weight on his tongue.


“Fuck…you…” I finally manage to croak in greeting.


His grin widens. “Right back at you, asshole…hey!”


I wasn’t aware I had moved but I now have him within my arms again. I crush his body against mine, my face buried against his neck as I inhale his scent like a druggie desperate for his next fix. I can feel his arms tighten around my waist and we stagger like drunken sailors for a moment not even thinking of letting each other go. I could cry because believe me the tears are hovering or rather building up somewhere within me. I begin to rain tiny but yet hard kisses on his neck and to his jaw, my hands feeling, touching every part of him just to be sure I’m not hallucinating. It’s a new cologne he’s wearing and I’m sure he must have gotten it from his trip, but I don’t care at this point. Duo’s back and that’s all that matters to me.


His hands suddenly cup my ass and I gasp in shock at his daring move, my gaze drifting to his lips which look so damn tempting.


“I dare you,” he whispers huskily, noticing that darkened look in his eyes. Hell, it’s like we’ve never even been apart for that long. He’s already devouring me with much aplomb.


“Dare me to what?” I whisper back, now more than aware of just how hot we are getting beneath our school uniforms.


“To welcome me back properly…in front of everyone,” he says with a small smirk and I am now made conscious of the sounds of activity around us. “After all, I came back on time just like you wanted.”


I try to gather moisture into my dry mouth at his demand. We are not exactly hidden from the public and stealing a glance over Duo’s shoulder, I can see several students from different windows staring at us with mixed looks of surprise or disgust, interest or just plain curiosity. I am sure they’re going to get their teachers attention next and it won’t do to have the president of the school already making out with his boyfriend in public.


“May…maybe we should go inside…or somewhere where we can’t be…”


“You mean hide?” Duo interrupted, his smirk becoming a bit merciless. Suddenly and for no reason at all, I begin to think that he wishes to humiliate me in public as punishment for what I did to him over the summer. I am beginning to get a bit uncomfortable.


“I’m just asking for a kiss, Heero. Is that so wrong?”


“I’ll kiss you but not out here,” I say quickly, my cheeks growing a bit hot as I realize that the students on the track are beginning to look at us with obvious interest. Shit. This isn’t going to be pretty.


“Duo…” I almost plead. “Let’s go inside…mmphff!”


Damn him! Damn him! Damn him!! But oh fuck…he tastes so good.


A cheer erupts from someone and soon enough our audience is clapping at our little stage show. Duo’s lips are like liquid fire against mine and before I know it, I’m responding like a man possessed. I clutch a fistful of his shirt allowing him to take his fill of my mouth and to do as he pleases. We both moan as I feel the dawning coil of heat within my stomach but Duo quickly releases me with a loud smack as I do my best to glare at him which doesn’t work too well, since I’m sure I look flushed and my breathing is uneven and shallow. What the hell did he do that for?!


“Now that’s the way you welcome back your boyfriend,” he says with a wink. “Next time, maybe we could make out for them…”


“You wish!” I growl.




Coach Septum! Goddamn it!


“Whoa, see you later, Heero!” Duo suddenly says with a small salute as he begins to walk away from me much to my chagrin. How dare he walk away and leave me here?!  The coach is stalking towards me with a thunderous scowl on his visage and I am torn with indecision. Should I run or face the music? Of course, I can already see Duo’s answer to the problem and by the time the Coach reaches me, Duo’s already out of sight! Geez, but he’s fast.


“Sir!” I begin trying to find the words to explain what has just happened.


I am happy, pissed off and yet a bit worried. I am very happy that he’s returned, pissed off at his audacity and nerve to do that in public and yet I have the sinking feeling that he’s going to toy with me this year or at least for a while. Perhaps it’s my guilt coming back to haunt me, but there was definitely no mistaking the look I had glimpsed in Duo’s eyes. He might have forgiven me, but he had no plans to make me forget anytime soon.


Duo Maxwell is going to be my tormentor and I am to remain under his mercy until he wishes to set me free.





~End Period One~



Period Two: The Crush



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 spending most of his time in the gymlast school year. trowa em have been working out too! quof my staff members including Relena, Hilde, Dorothy...y face jerks me out of my dazed stupor. man oks quite tanned and og murals from famous artistses that have occured