Death is no dream, for in death

I am caressing you

With the last breath of my soul

I’ll be blessing you…

                                   - Riverdance






Heero made his way through the lush foliage as he walked towards Duo’s house. It was a ‘secret’ short cut that he found useful, as having to make his way through the main route was bound to get some tongues wagging. Even though Duo had spent some time talking with the three of them after Relena’s departure, the heir still had the faint feeling that the teacher hadn’t been telling them the complete story.


Preparing a surprise.


Heero gave a small snort of derision as he unconsciously began to run fingers through his already mussed hair. Keiko had already done enough damage for one day by showing her face to him this evening and God knew he didn’t need any more problems in his life right now. How his mother had failed to tell them about his cousin’s visit was beyond him. It was not like Hikari to be so forgetful about such things. Usually, when one came by to visit, the house was always bustling with activity and preparations weeks before said guests were to arrive – but not this time. It was as if Hikari had been so preoccupied with other things that she had failed to mention such a simple but yet important occasion to her family.


However, Heero wasn’t really surprised at his father’s reaction. Odin had always made it known that he didn’t think too kindly of the Asawa family. The head of the household – Dr. Miko Asawa, was a handsome man who was close to Odin’s age. Rumor had claimed that Miko had been dating Hikari for some time before settling for Akiko – Hikari’s older sister by a year. According to the tabloids, Hikari had been crushed by the event and it had taken her some time to recover from being dumped in such a manner. Odin had come into her life and from the get-go, it was clear that both men would not be able to stand each other’s presence. But for the sake of the sisters - who had reconciled their differences - both men would have to put up the pretense of actually enjoying each other’s company.


I have a weird family, Heero concluded as he stepped into Duo’s backyard. Crossing the poolside area quickly, idly noticing that several lights were on in the main living room, he made his way towards the door that led to the kitchen. He was just about to open it when his gaze caught sight of something that sent his pulse running wild.


Duo had just stepped into the kitchen….naked!


Heero’s small yelp of surprise was silenced by slapping a hand over his mouth as he gawked at the figure of the older man, who was now running a towel through his damp, flowing locks. From the broad and powerful looking shoulders that tapered down to rippled muscles of the strong back, to the curve of his smooth, but taut buttocks, Heero was left gripping the doorknob with every fiber of his being. He was not sure he could stand on his own much longer. And like a man drunk or high on some kind of drug, he feasted upon the sight of his naked teacher for as long as he was allowed to.


Has he no shame?! How could he…how could he just walk…?


Just to make sure again, Heero stole furtive glances around just in case his eccentric cousin was to pop out of the bushes again to frighten him. Keiko had been known to do that on more than one occasion. But this time, it wasn’t just the fear of getting spooked that had Heero so worried, he was sure that if Keiko got a wind of Duo, there was no telling what she could do to him. If anyone thought that Relena was bad, they were yet to see what his cousin was capable of.


And another thing – he was now as hard as a rock.


Wincing, he released his death grip on the doorknob and lumbered down the small flight of stairs to sit down upon it. He buried his face in his hands and tried to still his thudding heart. What exactly had he come here for again? It sure hadn’t been to see his teacher naked – not that the sight was a bad thing.


To tell him about Keiko…that’s it.


He took another deep breath and got to his feet, forcing images of naked old women in skimpy lingerie to kill his erection. Taking another peek into the kitchen, he gave a sigh of relief as he noticed that Duo was no longer in there. He pushed open the door gently and stepped into the cozy room, the smell of something burnt assailing his senses as his gaze went directly to the pot on the stove. Walking closer to it, he opened it and immediately reeled back as the force of the stench hit him squarely. Burnt pasta. What had happened to the wonderful cook of the other day? With a light shake of his head, he made his way towards the hallway, aware that he had failed to knock or even let Duo know of his presence.


But that wasn’t important now. What was important was that he had to speak to Duo about his cousin. He didn’t know why, but he just felt he had to. His steps led him into the teacher’s bedroom and he noticed with a small smile breaking out on his features, that the coast was clear. Making himself comfortable in one of the leather chairs that graced the room, Heero closed his eyes and waited patiently for his presence to be noticed.






Sheesh, where the hell did I put it?


He tightened the towel he had now draped around his waist and fell to his knees, hands reaching into the large cardboard box that he had kept a few knickknacks in to search for the elusive book.


I know I left it in here…


Wrenches, some tennis balls, baseballs, old magazines, a few articles of clothing that looked like they belonged in a dumpster, were flung out of the box and onto the floor. The musty smell of the basement filled his nostrils and Duo was left coughing for several minutes. It wasn’t really a big room. And it only contained a few boxes he had been too lazy to unpack - not that he knew where he was going to keep them anyway.


About to dive back into the box to search for the elusive item, he froze as he heard the creak above him.


Hmm…probably just imagining things.


He stuck his hands back into the box and pulled out a…leather whip? Where had this come from? Glancing around him quickly, as if hoping that no one had come in to see him with such an item, he buried it back into the box and continued his search, only to sit upright again as the creaks became a bit louder.


There was no doubt about it now. Someone had entered his house.


He got to his feet, hands reaching for his trusty old baseball bat. He idly entertained the idea of it being Heero, but he wasn’t sure about that. In fact, he was sure that the boy would probably be too busy with his private affairs and Relena to take notice of him anymore.




He tightened his hands around the bat as he walked up the stairs as quietly as possible. His body was tense and ready to spring into action in case his attacker decided to get physical. He opened the basement door and peered around it carefully, amethyst depths narrowing as the silence that greeted him caused him to swallow tightly. He wiped his now damp palms against his towel and stepped out into the hallway.


That scent…


There was no mistaking that light, but distinct fragrance that belonged to the heir. And feeling his heart rate quicken again for reasons that he was yet to acknowledge to himself, Duo followed it with steps that felt heavy. He pushed open the door to his bedroom and sure enough, the dark-haired boy had made himself comfortable in his leather chair – looking as if he owned the entire house.


For a moment, they could only stare at each other as if unable to believe that the other was finally before him. Spots of color filled Heero’s cheeks as he noticed – thankfully – that Duo had covered himself with the towel, but that still didn’t take away the breathtaking picture the older man made. His hair, which was dry in some places, still clung to his body like a second skin. Long and thick, Heero had to grip the edge of the chair he was on as the incredible urge to run his fingers through the chestnut-colored waves overwhelmed him.


Finally finding his voice, his gaze fell to the bat and he whispered thickly. “Are you planning to hit me with that?”


“Huh? Oh….this!” Duo had the grace to blush as his gaze fell to the object in his hand as well. Dropping it to the floor as if he had been handling hot coals, he placed his hands on his hips and then ran them through his hair with a soft sigh of exasperation. He had to shift backwards and away from Heero or he was sure that the boy would notice his current state of discomfort.


“I really wish you would take the time to ring my doorbell or knock, or at least give me a phone call to let me know you are coming, Heero,” he mumbled as he reached for a t-shirt to slip over his head. “The next time this happens, I might not be so lenient with you.”


He was surprised to hear the soft ‘sorry’ that came from the heir and for the first time that evening, Duo glanced back to notice the distant and almost miserable expression on his student’s face. He felt something hard tug in his chest and cursing softly, he picked up his jeans and stepped into the bathroom to quickly slip into them. He was about to reach for his hair dryer to get his hair under some semblance of control, but decided to give up on that as it was clear that the young man in his bedroom needed some help. The blush on his cheeks rose again as he eyed his reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t that he hated having his hair down, he just didn’t like leaving it in such a manner before any one else.


Ah, what the hell…


He reached for a black hair band and tied his hair in a loose ponytail. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the bedroom, only to squeak out breathlessly as he bumped into Heero. Reaching out quickly to steady himself, his hands fell upon the strong shoulders, his lips already parting to ask in concern. “Are you alright, Heero? I’m so sorry. I didn’t notice you were standing…why the hell are you standing here anyway?”


The heir blushed furiously at the close proximity, before shaking his head slowly. “I…I was just wondering what was taking you so long…”


I haven’t kissed him in a while, Heero thought wildly as his breathing quickened. He darted out a tongue to wet his suddenly parched lips, unconsciously moving closer to the older man. I want to…need to…




Please, Duo. Kiss me again…




The teacher tried. Oh god, how he tried to ignore the feeling of euphoria that was beginning to wash over him. It was all too easy to give in to this heat that filled his being at the very thought of taking this boy before him. The grip on Heero’s shoulders tightened as he leaned closer still. He could feel Heero’s warm breath against his, could see the tiny flecks of gold within the startling blue of his eyes.


This isn’t going to be a dream. This time…this time, I am doing it because I want to.


He closed his eyes and pulled the boy within his arms, enveloping him in a crushing hug as he settled for a chaste and soft kiss on Heero’s forehead.




He could feel the surprise ripple through the younger man’s body and fully expected Heero to push him away, but that awkward task was taken care of by the shrill ring of the telephone. The heir stiffened at the sound, and fazed by the motion, Duo willingly stepped back. The younger man spun away and in a voice that was as cold as ice, he asked, “Don’t you think you should get that?”


Without waiting for a response, he stalked towards the kitchen, leaving Duo to groan in dismay at the sudden turn of events. Sighing softly, while calling himself as many names as he could possibly manage, Duo reached for the white object and all but barked into it.




The small squeak of shock at the other end, had Duo wincing. Relena.


“Uuumm…is everything alright, Duo?” she asked warily. Duo was sure she was holding the phone away from her ear, just in case he decided to bite her head off through the device. With another inward groan, he forced himself to sound cheerful.


“Sorry about that, Relena. Just…eh…going through some things right now. So, how are you?”


“Do you have the book?”


You certainly don’t waste any time getting straight to the point, do you?


“I’m still looking for it, Relena. I was sure I had it in the basement, but I haven’t had the time to really check through…”


The girl gave an impatient snort. “You told me that you were sure you had it with you. What was all that talk about you being an expert at dishing out advice about sex?”


Duo wasn’t sure of what had happened to the shy girl he had met during the first few months of his stay there. This Relena was certainly beginning to act like a spoiled little rich girl, who always had to have what she wanted. When he told Relena that he had something important to tell her, his mind had been set on explaining his sexual orientation. But seeing the desperate look in her eyes had had his mouth going off in the opposite direction. Instead, he fed her a story of an incredible book with enough things to make Heero never want to let her go. It wasn’t exactly the kind of thing that a decent teacher would suggest to his students, but in this case, the girl needed a different kind of lesson – one that could make or break her relationship with her husband-to-be.


The sound of something falling to the floor in his kitchen jerked him out of his reverie and clearing his throat, he spoke softly into the phone again. “Listen, Relena…”


“No, you listen, Duo. You promised me that you would give me the book. I am sending Pagan, my driver, to come pick it up. And please have it wrapped up as tightly as you can. I do not want the entire neighborhood wondering why an old man like himself is carrying such a book.”


Unaware that he had been gripping the edge of his dresser tightly, Duo managed a tight ‘Sure’.


“You have no idea how much I appreciate you doing this for me, Duo,” she continued to chirp, her voice now filled with excitement. “You are such a darling for helping me out like this. Hey, that’s why you are a teacher. You always help out others, right?”


“That’s my job,” Duo replied with that same false grin on his face even though he felt like kicking something right about now.


She laughed softly and with a quick ‘bye’, she ended the phone call, leaving Duo still holding onto the phone as if wishing it would disappear from his life forever. Finally, hanging it up, he shuffled his way out of his room and stole a quick glance into his kitchen. He could see Heero making himself a sandwich and happy that the boy was mad enough to keep himself busy, Duo decided to go back to the basement to check for the book.


He would deal with Heero and his emotions later.





Wufei Chang was an astute man. At least, he hoped he was. No, he knew he was or he would have never gotten this far in life. He had always taken pride in being able to know who his real friends were and now that he thought of it, he could only boast of actually being close to three people in his life. Meiran, his uncle, and of course, his wild American friend, Duo Maxwell. Not that there was anything wild about the teacher lately.


He sighed and placed his hands behind his head, staring blindly at the ceiling above him. He was stuck in this hot and rather stuffy hotel room and knowing that he would not be able to see his girlfriend and bride-to-be for some time, caused a dull ache in his chest. With a grunt, he rose abruptly to his feet and made his way towards the window to stare down into the twinkling lights that lit up the darkened city.


They had finally reached the Betrothal stage of their marriage where gifts between families were to be exchanged. The ceremony had been brief, but well executed and thanks to his uncle’s connections, the problem of having suitable representatives for his side of the family had been taken care of. Now it was only a matter of two months before he would be allowed to see his bride again. Somehow, the days ahead would be the longest ones in his life.


He eyed the phone that lay on the dresser, debating whether or not to call her, but figuring that breaking tradition now was bound to mess things up, his mind drifted to his braided friend instead.


He wondered what Duo was doing right now.


Although, it would be a few days before he returned to the Mainland, he couldn’t help his curiosity concerning the events regarding the older man.


Just that night spent with Duo and the teens at his luau, had given the Chinese man more than enough evidence to conclude that his frigid gay friend was finally open to a relationship. Only problem was of course that they were student and teacher. He had watched his friend go through a lot of trouble over the past year or so due to misunderstandings and problems with his teaching methods. And although he didn’t want to say that he felt sorry or pity for Duo, Wufei couldn’t help feeling that the other man deserved to be happy for once in his pathetic life.


Heero Yuy, hmm? Strange kid.


Strange, but quite the character. He had seen the determination and yet desperation in the young man’s eyes and that was something that had tugged at his heartstrings, to his immense surprise.


What is this? Am I becoming a matchmaker all of a sudden?


Well, haven’t you been all this time? Another voice taunted, as he rose to his feet to pick up the phone. A little hello couldn’t hurt. And besides…he owes me one.





He arranged the thinly sliced tomatoes on top of the cheese before slapping the second half of his sandwich above it with barely restrained violence in his actions. He was mad - furious at himself for even thinking that he would have won Duo over by now. He had been so sure that the teacher had been willing to kiss him without thinking twice about it, but as usual, he had been proven wrong.


But you just had to kiss Relena in front of him. What is he supposed to think now?


Chewing angrily, he was about to reach for his cup of milk when the phone rang again. He scowled and continued to chew, ignoring it as he figured that Duo must have a lot of friends for him to be receiving so many in such a short space of time. Feeling the jealousy rise within him again, he made his way into the bedroom, with the intent of telling Duo that he was leaving.


“Duo…I just wanted to let you know that…” he stopped as he noticed that he was talking to thin air. The phone hadn’t stopped ringing and it didn’t look as if the teacher was anywhere in sight. Feeling as if his ears were going to fall off from the shrill sound, Heero placed his snack down and reached for the phone.




Wufei, who had been ready to hang up in irritation, found his jaw falling open at the voice at the other end. “He…Heero? Is that you?”


The heir felt the chill run down his spine as a million and one scenarios raced through his mind. Who else knew he was here? How could anyone know he was here? It clearly wasn’t Trowa or Quatre and he was not sure that there were any of Duo’s friends who knew about him…




“Is this Wufei?” he asked quietly even though his tight grip hadn’t eased on the receiver.


The Chinese man gave a short bark that was supposed to be a laugh. “Geez, Duo is a pretty fast worker at this rate.”


Heero felt the color flood his cheeks, not failing to notice the innuendo behind the words. “I am not…I mean, he is not…we are not…”


“Sure, sure, you’re not, Heero. So, if you aren’t…what are you doing there?


Eating a sandwich and feeling sorry for myself. “Nothing,” he replied defensively. “Did you want to speak to Duo?”


Wufei recognized the need for Heero to change the topic and deciding to indulge the boy’s needs for now, he gave a nod. “Yeah, I do. Is he around?”


Heero backpedaled to glance into the bathroom, before shaking his head. “No, he’s not here. Wait, I will call him.” Covering up the mouthpiece, he opened up his mouth to bellow. “DUO! YOU HAVE A PHONE CALL! IT’S WUFEI!”


An eerie silence greeted his words and the boy struggled not to give in to the panic he was beginning to feel. Where had Duo gone? It wasn’t as if the guesthouse was that big and he had definitely not heard the front door open. He removed his hand and spoke into the phone again, hoping his voice didn’t give away his worry. “Could you please hold for a minute or two? I have to go look for him.” Without giving Wufei a chance to reply, Heero placed the phone down and began the frantic search for the teacher.


“Duo? Duo?!” He raced into the living room, even going as far as lifting up the couch. He checked the laundry room, the guest room, and the den and just as he was about to make his way back towards the bedroom, his gaze eventually fell on a door that was slightly ajar. How had he failed to notice that one?


Opening it quickly, he noticed that it led to the basement. “Duo?! Are you down there?!”


For a few moments, only the muffled sounds of something moving below caused Heero to hold his breath in hope. Finally, the shadow of Duo’s familiar frame came into view, quickly followed by the man himself as he lifted his head to smile at the boy above him.


“Hey, Heero. Did you need me for something?” he called out cheerfully, although the boy could see that the teacher seemed to be hiding something underneath his arm.


“You have a phone call from Wufei,” he replied quickly, stepping backwards and away from the door as Duo began to make his way up the stairs. Lowering his lashes, he mumbled out quickly. “I have to go now. I was going to tell you that my cousin was here anyway and I will introduce you to her tomorrow.”


Duo’s eyes widened in surprise. He had thought that Heero had no real close relatives and he quickly shook his head at the ridiculous thought. Of course families like these had to have an extensive lineage. It would only be natural for Heero to have millions of cousins.


“Well, that’s nice to hear. I’m sure you are more than excited to see her, right?” He had now stepped out to the hallway, still clutching the book as tightly as he could. He would have to find a way to wrap this up quickly without Heero noticing. However, as luck would have it, the heir didn’t seem to think that his deduction was right.


“I am not happy to see her. You don’t know what she is like, Duo,” he muttered as he unconsciously began to follow the taller man towards the living room and into his den. He leaned against the doorway as he watched Duo begin to wrap up a book with sheets of newspaper. Wondering why the teacher looked like he was doing something illegal, Heero shrugged and continued his tirade. “She is a loud mouth who smokes and curses at will. She is rude and likes to boss others around.”


“Charming, isn’t she?” Duo concluded as he tied the knot around his package and stared at the haphazardly wrapped book with a grimace. It would have to do for now. He wasn’t sure he had the time to do anything else at the moment…


“Your doorbell.”




Heero gave a soft sigh of exasperation. “I said your doorbell is ringing. Do you want me to…?”


“No, no! I’ve got it!” Duo cried out quickly as he made a beeline for his front door, leaving Heero gaping at him in surprise.


Well, things were certainly beginning to get exciting around here.


The frazzled looking teacher opened the door and came face-to-face with the smiling visage of a man who seemed to be in his late sixties. He was dressed in a black uniform with the familiar insignia of the Peacecraft family on his breast pocket. Pagan, apparently, tipped his hat in courtesy.


“Good evening to you, Mr. Maxwell. I was sent here to…”


“Yeah, I know…” Duo stepped outside and closed the door behind him quickly, hoping and praying that Heero didn’t get too curious. Keeping his voice low, he held out the wrapped package. “Please tell her to be careful with it, Pagan. And that…eh…I hope she uses it well.”


The driver gave a small nod, that polite smile never wavering from his features. “I will be sure to do that, Mr. Maxwell. You have a good evening now.”


“Yeah…you too,” the teacher replied softly as he watched the older man make his way down the stairs and back into the black limousine.


Once the car was out of sight, Duo sagged limply against the front door, unable to believe that he was having such a chaotic evening.


Wait a minute? Had Heero said that he had a call from…Wufei?!


Jerking alert, he spun around and placed his hands on the doorknob to open it, only to find to his dismay and growing irritation that it wouldn’t budge. Rattling and turning it this way and that, the stupid door still refused to open.


“FUCK!! Why the hell is this happening to me?” He had forgotten to remove the safety catch that was attached to the door. And with a resigned sigh, he lifted his finger to press the doorbell, only to have the door open up quickly and a cordless phone shoved in his face.


Duo caught glimpse of a scowling Heero and was about to thank him for his help, when Wufei’s irritated voice filled his ears.


“What the hell is going on there, Duo?! I have been waiting here for an hour!”


The teacher winced and stepped into his house, trying to see where the young heir had stalked off to. He was sure he could hear Heero moving around his bedroom, but he couldn’t be sure.


“Listen, Wufei…this is kind of like a bad time…”


“Bad time? Bad time?!” came the shrill and increasingly agitated voice on the other end. “What the fuck do you think you are doing with him, Duo? You know that he is your student and if you two get involved like that, you could get FIRED! I didn’t waste my time creating that resume for you to go fuck up like this…”


Duo was beginning to get a headache and as his fingers caressed his temple gently, he could only hope that….




What the hell?!


“Wufei! I will call you right back, okay? I have something to deal with now!” And without giving the Chinese man another chance to speak, Duo hung up the phone and practically ran into the kitchen, where Heero could be seen on his knees picking up the pieces of the plate he had used earlier for his sandwich.


There were droplets of blood on the floor and Duo didn’t need a scientist to tell him that the younger man was picking the pieces up with no regards to his welfare.


“Heero, stop doing that!” he cried out desperately as he moved over quickly. Falling to his knees as well, he tried to reach for Heero’s hand, but was surprised to find it smacked away angrily. Duo noticed that the boy’s breathing was a bit ragged and it took him only a second later to realize that Heero was…crying.


“Heero…” he whispered thickly, unaware of what he had in mind to do to help his student. That burning sensation deep within his heart seemed to flare anew. And like a man being controlled purely on instincts, he reached for the trembling boy’s hands and forced him to drop the shard of glass that had been digging an even deeper cut within his palm.


“Let me go, Duo. Just let me go!” Heero sobbed helplessly as he struggled against the older man’s body. He was tired. Tired of having to deal with adults who didn’t seem to care about him. Tired of having to pretend to be something that he wasn’t. Tired of trying to hide his emotions from a man who was proving to be the best thing to ever happen to his life.


But his words of protests were muffled by the feel and taste of Duo’s lips on his. Pairs of cobalt still shimmering with tears, widened in surprise at the kiss. His wrists were still being kept prisoner within Duo’s hands as the sounds of glass crunching beneath their feet filled the thick silence in the room. Heero closed his eyes with a soft sigh, the warmth of his blood now flowing freely as it pooled within Duo’s hands.


There was something different about this kiss. Something that made Heero’s tears fall even faster than before. This wasn’t his tentative shy attempt the first time around. It was Duo’s turn. The older man had taken the initiative and all he could do was savor the moment for as long as he could. Was that Duo’s tongue? It tickled his lips, urging him to let go and without giving it a second thought, he complied willingly.


Heaven…or somewhere close to it.


It was intense and now fevered as their tongues met and danced with a tune that was only familiar to both of them. A moan or a groan, from either of them was heard, but neither could care at this point. Duo’s hands slid from his hold on Heero’s wrists to capture the hands themselves and ignoring the dull pain from the cuts on his palm, Heero clasped the offered ones tightly.


It seemed to be an unholy communion. Something about his blood being shed for this man. He would do anything for Duo, he realized frantically. Anything at all…


I love you. I honestly, truly think I do…


All too soon, he was released for much needed air. His chest heaved with the intensity of the kiss they had just shared. He was afraid of opening up his eyes, not sure he wanted to deal with the harsh reality that awaited him. With a groan, he rested his forehead upon Duo’s shoulder, never relinquishing the tight hold on the teacher’s hands.


If only they could remain like this forever.


“Heero…” Duo muttered thickly, as he closed his eyes to inhale the sweet scent of the boy’s hair against his chin. His entire body was one mass of ache and need and he was sure that Heero was faring no better.


I want him. Dear God, I want him. What do I do now?


“Will you…will you take me, Duo?” Heero whispered softly against the older man’s shoulder. “Please…make me…make me feel again, Duo.” He squeezed the teacher’s hand gently, conveying all that his lips could not say. The fear of rejection hung heavily in the air and Heero was sure that if Duo denied him again…he wasn’t going to be able to take it.


But as the clock chimed the eleventh hour, Duo Maxwell knew now that he could no longer put up with the pretense. And brushing aside the faint warning words from his best friend at the back of his mind, he whispered softly into the thick dark locks of his student.


“Come with me, Heero. Let me teach you all over again…”